
@Loose Cannon: Well, not so much anymore, but the NFL had VERY floppy punters and kickers for a long time.

Digital books are just too expensive for me to justify. Once the paperback comes out, the digital version price should also drop.

@FriarNurgle: They build parts for everyone. You really can't avoid Foxconn except to stop buying anything with an integrated circuit in it.

@YOXIM: I am curious how you could work for a company fixing broken computers and NOT have the opinion that they are faulty as fuck, since all you see every day is broken computers and never one that is working correctly.

Has anyone tested the range of the Wii? How far back can you walk before it stops registering the pointing? At some point it will detect the dual IR as one point and stop working. It will certainly have degrading performance the further you get in terms of pointing.

@Joe Geronimo: I can't wait to screw with the demo units. I am hoping they are not smart enough to turn off voice commands for the first few weeks. Just sit there like a dick saying "Xbox pause" repeatedly.

@Strider-No.9: The no sitting down thing only came from what devs were telling people at the E3 demos.

Two active players. So, price comparers please stop comparing the price of this to FOUR Move or Wiimote setups.

@RussianTaco: Or maybe you don't actually understand relativity and should not talk about it.

@Tony Prince: I really really don't like F11 fullscreen at all. Don't assume it is the best way.

Much new under the hood? A full point release is usually a lot more than what is ultimately a skin and a menu re-org.

@Stradigos: I am sticking with FF until chrome gives devs the apis they need to block scripts based on source, not current navigated url. Surfing without noscript is just way to insecure for me these days.

Is there a full listing of what shows they will have back catalog for? None of the shows listed in this article interest me at all.

@reuthermonkey: No sport can be true athleticism if the scoring of it is arbitrary. And that is what we have with umpires and human error.

@Gators15: It REALLY makes no sense in baseball. That game flows about as well as american football. It doesn't.

@travisco_nabisco: So not true. World cup uses its own crazy expensive ball. World cup is already its own animal, and it has been for awhile.

@zaxwashere: No, no. You are using the wrong properties of flubber. Flubber can cause superbouncyness, but it can also make a car fly. I am talking about implementing the levitational/flight properties.

I have never once in my life used a coupon. I really should, but I always see them go horribly wrong.

@espinha: There are a load of flash games in facebook because flash games are easy to develop and VERY cross browser/OS friendly.