
@DrakeDatsun: Or someone I work with occasionally who has vision issues so she views her display in 800x600.... um... there are accessability options to make text larger, the solution isn't to make your resolution smaller! How do you get anything done when you have to scroll all over and move windows so the OK button

@TomXP411: I should have learned more life lessons from James Bond movie titles. You are correct, it was a poor sentiment.

Facetime statement of holding it the wrong way is somewhat silly since facetime does not use the cell antenna in any way right now.

@Ho0ber: The moon is !@$#% red because it is on the !%@% rag... like your mom.

@AWood1984: Yeah, but this is actually 4th generation, heh. I know what you mean, but still...

@Weakskills: That isn't superball rubber, that is Flubber you are thinking of.

I don't like either company's approach really.

@koolpin: No, but humans write the code, humans are involved, humans make mistakes. That is inevitable.

@CrispyAardvark: Ah, you might be right. From the description I thought there was a tiny version of the face located around the chin area facing toward the 'face' and projecting that image.

@koolpin: And apple, see iPhone 4 prototype. Not quite data, but everyone loses things.

Also, every convention you ever went to technically has the right to clone you as well.

The new tron is not a reboot, but a true sequel.

@Jyosua: Instead of suction, I think it would be better if the toy was simply very light weight, and there was a blower on the top that created downward force equal to just a little bit more than the weight of the bike.

@CrispyAardvark: The term for that would technically still be projector. You know, like the old overhead projectors they used to have at bowling lanes or school?

NOT interested. There are enough freaking music stores out there IMO. Android is horrible for synching music and video on their devices. Put effort into that, don't make another online music store.

@dragon:ONE: What you just said is the same as saying:

@ThisCharmingMan: Yeah, but it is crazy stupid heavy handed. It isn't like you can't already do that with 95% of the other MP3 players out there that are basically glorified usb sticks.

@Sockatume: Except for some products they sell like the UV wand. Which is snake oil I suspect. Not even going to search for details, but unless the instructions are something like: "Wave the wand slowly over the object to disinfect, at a rate of about 1 inch per hour".