I didn't realize IM was passe now. What do you guys do? Text? Why pay for that shit when IM clients are free?
I didn't realize IM was passe now. What do you guys do? Text? Why pay for that shit when IM clients are free?
@Mark Thomas: Fast app switching, fully transparent feature that is very IOS4. So you don't know that.
@Chernobyl: You're not trying hard enough. CONCENTRATE! Furrow that brow.
@A.Jaswal: Meh, I need the stylus to be recognized as distinct from any finger touching. That way multitouch does not mess up when my hand inevitably touches the screen and suddenly I am resizing like a freak instead of writing.
@geekymitch: Not even 'like' the courier unless it has pen support.
@bigPixel: Yeah, it still overheats. Like every piece of electronics ever made given the right conditions. My friend has a PS3 that has a fan blowing on it because it overheats otherwise. Apparently this is not the norm, but that thing just runs hot, or has a faulty heat sensor.
@frigg: Insufficient ventilation is not a design flaw, but an environmental one.
@Almightywhacko: I wonder the same thing. I had my launchweek 360 survive a weekend gaming session in orlando when our AC died. I was melting, but it was fine.
@ThisCharmingMan: I did, but it was Win7 Release Candidate to Win7 which required a full re-install. I took the opportunity to put in a new hard drive and just fresh installed on that.
@HRDSalami654: You just explained it to yourself. They are totally different experiences. That is why they coexist.
@LordPants: You break the caps on 2g? What do you do that pulls data that constantly? Video does not stream well at all on 2g and audio only pulls cap dangering data if you have it on almost 24/7
Scary that there is an alternate universe where Lieberman is president. Gore wins in 2000 and then gets crushed by a falling rutabaga and BAM. Bizarro Bush.
@Dion Roberts: Wow, is this sarcasm? Please be sarcasm because this is wrong in so many ways it HAS to be intentional, right?
Joe Lieberman is an evil bastard. He is what pushed me over the line to vote independent as protest in 2000.
@Chroma: I prefer swumed myself.
DAMN! They got me now. I now need to buy two of the dislikes and one of the likes so I can stamp that I dislike them all. BASTARDS!
Put the replay power in the hands of the coaches, similar to the NFL, but you can be even more strict if you want.
@aThingOrTwo: I got the impression he didn't even have office installed on the machine and was surprised it could not open an office doc.
@ThisCharmingMan: Well, the problem he mentions is specifically an iPhone problem. You can only sych it with ONE system, which is horrible.
What is the OSX built in text editor that can read a doc file out of the box? Just curious.