
Another idiotic review from a “music critic”. He’s even got the snowflake-in-training, wannabe woke, wish I was a Brooklyn hipster face, too. The album is great. You, sir, are a douche.

The big story that no one has addressed is the absolutely horrid and virtually non-existent guest service and tech assistance provided by Epic Games. The forums, especially the console forums, are an absolute joke. Meanwhile, Epic is too busy counting the multi-millions they are making off of their “free” Fortnite

...You could’ve just said that you were sad to see the personals section go, that you got a lot of use out of it.

No. It’s not. It’s meant for people that can’t really handle FPS’s and intense action games. I played the alpha and beta and was excited for the game. It’s absolutely one of the most boring games ever. Super powered skeletons with perfect aim, ridiculous number of sharks always trying to eat you at any time you enter

So... You’re the game police?

“For my first 70 hours with Monster Hunter: World, I played solo.” Because you like hitting something 1000 times before it’s halfway dead?

“Imagine there’s a video game that you’ve played for hundreds and hundreds of hours. It’s the only game you really play.” If that game is called, “Destiny” ...You are a moron.

Also, this kill has been done before. And it was recorded properly and shared quite a while ago(Just like the stairway stuff these sites have been sharing like it’s new over the past couple weeks). But that would have required Kotapoo to, you know, do a little research.

“not once have I encountered a problem. If I have a bad time, it’s never technical issues getting in the way”...This is anecdotal, at best. There have been a multitude of technical issues and plenty of game-ruining lag in this game from the beginning all the way up until right now. Just take a look at the Epic


Gee, another article from the Bungie cucks here are Kotapoo. Isn’t this the same place that referred to upset Destiny players as, “trolls”? Way to support your reader-base by insulting them just to get more of that Bungie stank on your chins. Players are tired of being treated as cash machines and getting screwed over

Haha, that’s his funniest video yet!

Correction: This new update ain’t free. The in-game costs to unlock everything are astronomical. It’s meant for extremely heavy grinders or people that will just buy a bunch of shark cards. The update is a lure for your $$$.

I was just about to write the exact same thing. Wow, yet another example of excellence in journalism from gizmodo.

What a dumb article. Maybe reserve stuff like this for your diary. No one feels any sympathy for your stupid life decisions.

Thank you. I was just about to say the same damn thing. And, while we’re on the subject, what bunch of whiny, shitty, useless bunch of personal opinions and stories this website had turned into. Just a crappy blog that sometimes pretends to know shit about gaming.

It’s painfully obvious that this elderly kotaku fella straight up hates Xbox and or Microsoft. It’s a waste of anyone’s valuable time, that actually enjoys Xbox, to read this guy’s reviews anymore. Old Mike will just tell pissy stories about hating an Xbox commercial or act like the current system isn’t a big deal,

*Asshole Alert*

Or just keep smacking the sh!t out cheaters. I fully endorse the latter.

Yes, because we should just allow “saying shit” to occur without ANY burden of proof. You know, slander? You know, ruin peoples’ lives or businesses without being able to PROVE the shit you’re saying isn’t a lie? ...Dumb people with smart devices are ruining the future.