Ms Bialik doesn’t dress conservatively because it’s her choice. She dresses conservatively because her religion dictates it. And we all know that nothing blames female victims like religion.
Ms Bialik doesn’t dress conservatively because it’s her choice. She dresses conservatively because her religion dictates it. And we all know that nothing blames female victims like religion.
Can women take over the world now please? I’m ready for the matriarchy
I heard someone call a group of his supporters “the 5th avenue crowd”.
I heard someone call a group of his supporters “the 5th avenue crowd”. As in they are the ones that would have stood by him if he shot someone on 5th avenue.
Would it be possible to give her some naked time (an hour after dinner in her room, or whatever) and then frame it as a time/place/manner thing rather than a never do this ever one?
That’s offensive. On today of all days you should slap him with some matzah.
Ivanka Trump tweeted about women deserving equal pay mere days after her father revoked the 2014 Fair Play and Save Workplacesorder
She’s trying to redefine words to mean something different because that’s what fascists do.
“I don’t know what it means to be complicit”
What the Times means is that Trump will say that, if they don’t pass the American Health Care Act, Obamacare will remain the law of the land but that, actually, if they don’t pass the American Health Care Act, Republicans will continue to try to rip healthcare from the cold, nearly-dead hands of 24 million Americans…
Then you haven’t read my fanfic.
Shopping for gifts at beauty stores after Black Friday is like shopping for candy at Duane Reade after Halloween.…
In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.
Holy mother of pearl. Real consequences to the sports ball game for grossly sexist and dehumanizing behavior.
Walk around eating handfuls of loose hamburger meat out of a bag labeled HUMAN FLESH.
Trump is going to skip the next debate and instead host a pay-per-view where he will literally make out with his daughter.
Is Donald Trump not part of the “moneyed elites”? The billionaire who inherited his wealth and has spent his adult life jetting from penthouse apartments to penthouse resorts, and back again? He’s a real man of the people that one.
No. Because that woman doesn’t get divorced.