
She did do a nice job raising the children. Especially since they were not her birth children. Not even close.

EinD, We have to be honest about the “no scandal” line... Barak doesn’t do outright “scandals” - he spends all his time being smooth in everything. While that looks nice, he has scandal - his is doing very little to help anything. He is a symbol that black people can achieve. That is very good. But where’s the

Beautifully written. Two issues: 1. Obama’s presence was great for black people... now there is absolutely no doubt there is no ceiling on black achievement. Period. No excuses either. Nobody is holding black people down. 2. Please tell me what happens when Trump - as little as folks may like him personally - does

You got dang right she should. He’s the prez and her job is to work with him. I know she thinks trump is worse than hillary, but that is bunk. Hillary is the WORST. Anyone at this level that has charisma has some faults, Trump’s are peanuts compared the hill. Waters is wrong.