Gaga would never release a song like this.
Gaga would never release a song like this.
She went all that way with EBOLA. It required reverence! Come on now!
This is so suspect. During the first film they had the most loyal returning extras for the strip club scenes. I heard about it all the time. Or maybe it's due to the new locations?
She plays Orlando Jones' character's ex-wife.
Well other than Sleepy Hollow cameos she maybe could use a check.
But immediately after the cover came out and the people riled up, he came out and said that one of the women was black and was a friend of his that he'd worked with before or something to that extent. How did you miss that?
The only (minor) problem with the album is most of the songs are slow break up songs, but it's still really great.
He doesn't even need those backup singers. When they came in on the second chorus I was all like-SHUT UP YOU!
I made this as a joke when I was like 23 or so. Not only did we not get engaged, but it tasted very bland. If only I had kept on making my jerk pork...
I love love LOVE it. It's the sorority girl in me.
The latest tween hit is Bo$$ by 5th Harmony and I'm sure ALL of Sasha and Malia's friends enjoy screaming the chorus: Boss! Michelle Obama. Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas!
I guess I want to know why would he feel this way, but no answer he could give would satisfy my need to know. Just for the record, this black girl wouldn't want to be anywhere that flies were rolling that thick anyway. My feelings can't be hurt when my sense for appropriate hygiene is even more offended.
I agree. i'm not a medical professional, but ebola was INCREDIBLY prominent in the news that i'd have tested and isolated him immediately. They had NO reason to play dumb. He could be alive.
That stupid fries joke! No dude. I order fries and eat them VERY UNAPOLOGETICALLY with mayonnaise and ketchup. IN YOUR FACE!
I've loved BSB since I was a girl in 1997. I went to see them the last time they came in the summer of 2013 and it was AMAZING (still). Nick and Knight are coming to my area very soon but it's on a weekday (the day I usually need to go home and lay down and then go have margaritas) so I'm debating if it's worth all…
I'm still trying to figure out how she manages to be so comfortable in onesies/rompers all the time. I'm on the border of being overweight BMI wise, but looking at me you'd never think "overweight" at all (8/10) and my thighs are not having of that any shorts/skirt/rompers shenanigans. They are like-we touch and…
Some of the things she does are very good, but her basic twerking is very lackluster. Either way I'm glad she found a way to pay her bills more effectively than a 9-5. My masters degree was not very helpful when it came to the salary quote at my current job. It was not what I was expecting- I didn't even find it…
Who cares? Look at him. Just...just look at him! *gestures wildly*
I know WHY they chose this song, but honestly this is the worst song to attempt to squeeze 500 people on. Just give it to Sam Smith instead of butchering a beloved Beach Boys song.