
You do not understand the horror of coleslaw until you’ve made it in bulk for KFC in a 50# lexan with elbow length gloves (literally) while you mix the dressing with the 8 boxes of cabbage you’ve just shredded. Dressing that is approximately 34 degrees.

Except give him a fake nuke code that Will trigger fireworks that spell YOU’RE FIRED.

Thanks! I’ll name him “Loophole”.

Everyone knows there are malevolent Stephen King-esque demons that will flip the switch on garbage disposals. You are being justly prudent.

Tryna catch me riding dirty...

I hate you and love you immensely.

um, how do you know we DIDN’T just get a bunch of information on Raffey.


Yeah, one of the many reasons I miss the bakery/restaurant down the block from my work was that once they got to know me as someone who tipped well and never complained unless they had legitimately fucked up (and was still nice about it even then!), they bent over BACKWARDS for me. I got so many damn free pastries,

I’m guessing you aren’t from the South, so my answer may not make sense- but Krystal’s and Waffle House are only to be eaten when you are so blindingly drunk that you don’t realize you are eating the worst food ever, and will be fully convinced in your drunken state that it is actually the best food ever. Waffle House

OK, ok


I remember little red pinchers for fries at the Maccas in Germany. they were the size of a toothpick, but red plastic and three forks, like a miniature trident.

Correlated poll question: I use a knife and fork when I eat a doughnut, especially a filled one. Weird or just proper caution in preventing powdered sugar mustache?

My brother was working the carving station at a hotel brunch a bit outside of Atlanta when someone proud Georgian went on some rant about other, apparantly “Yankee” customers and how the South is so much better. After asking my brother and being told that he is from Ohio, Georgia Guy declares “that’s ok, Ohio is an

When I was in high school, some local, road-side hotel decided to convert their restaurant to a Chinese buffet. They called the high school to see if there were any “Chinese girls who would like a job.” Damn it. I was the only Chinese girl in the school, and actually, yeah, I wanted another job because college was

Tell Tyrone to get his shit.....together.

This response is beautiful and incredibly gracious.