
I finally went to bed last night at about 1:30am. I was so dejected. They had cut the feed to the Senate floor around 12:40am and I was furiously updating all my news outlets to see if there was a ruling. I found an A.P. article time stamped 12:40am saying it had passed and a friend in TX was giving me the same

She had 3 "violations" two germane to point of argument and one for getting assistance during her filibuster from another member of the senate body

She is my hero. Her and everyone else in Austin standing up for Women Everywhere!

I am trying to watch a very important hockey game which now must be paused to WATCH BABIES SLEEPING!!!!!!!

Yeah, his friend was one of those "Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich" types. He thought it was a hysterical joke. I can tell you that was the first thing he stopped saying around me. Honestly, if he and the hubs didn't love each other like brothers I probably wouldn't have made the effort. His ass-hattery

I have to comment on the first question only because I was in a similar-ish position. My husband's best friend loved all the inappropriate words about all the races but really seemed to enjoy that particular word. I finally asked my husband why he let his friend get away with such language and he explained that he's

Thank you for the clarification and expanding on the requirements. I try to read as much as I can about all of the different ways multiple states are trying to eliminate access to not only safe, legal abortion procedures, but also cost-effective medical care for woman (via groups like Planned Parenthood). There are

Also, don't you have to have multiple visits in Texas? One to confirm the pregnancy and get an ultra sound and than another to have the abortion and both appointments have to be with the same doctor? Please correct me if I am wrong, I want to be able to have an articulate, fact based discussion about why this

I would to take a minute to tell all of you replying in this post that I am at my desk at work, praying no one walks by, because I am simultaneously weeping for your plight and cheering your determination to help others if this stupid think actually passes.

Did involuntary noise = WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

There are no exceptions for victims of rape and incest because the bill's genius sponsor thinks rape kits are abortions-in-a-box that murder defenseless fetuses.

That fetus better start prayin' it's not a woman!

Actually, I believe that you can only be charged for double homicide if the fetus is viable outside the womb. Although, that may differ from state to state, and I would never pretend to be an expert on all the judicial laws in all of the states, I am pretty certain that is a standard application for applying double

Just curious...How did you determine this? Did you ask the fetus if it felt pain? Did you poke it with a stick? Did you wait till it was born and around age 2, when it learned to speak, ask it if it ever felt pain as a fetus?

I have a question specifically related to the statements made by Rep Roe regarding the funding of abortions by tax payer money. Is this a true statement? Does the government allocate federal or state funds to go towards funding abortion?

So are we all in agreement that she recorded this apology for ditching the Matt Lauer interview and was like "Hey y'all, why don't we just use this apology to Matt as my apology for sayin that word? No one will notice right y'all?"

This gif will never get old. Never.

I am making this my desktop background. It just makes me Happy for some reason.

Haha, Fartsouls! I love it!

I don't thing that I am suggesting anarchy by any means. I am not saying we throw all the laws and rules out the window. Bottom line is I feel my moral standards are a way for me to make decisions in my life, both easy and difficult ones. But my morals, just like yours, are not up for debate. That is because we all