

Hey, I come from a long line of walking, talking, giant bag of dicks. We didn't come to this country to be compared to Dan Snyder.

"Wizards" is the dumbest name ever, it's very sad.

White people are so afraid of being called racist that they can't take a step back, look at their own assumptions, exercise some self awareness and say to themselves, "Yes, I am also kind of a racist, because I live in a society that, until less than 50 years ago, was trying to make white supremacy work, and my

"According to a report from the Mary Sue, Marvel's editor-in-chief, Axel Alonso has since apologized for the image, stating that it did not "reflect the sensibility or tone of the series."

While the dildo in the lamp shade was the hardest to find, the bowler hat wearing dildo was my favorite. This game has serious potential.

Seriously, revenge porn bothers the shit out of me so much. I wish everyone who is a rabid consumer of these revenge porn sites gets punched in their genitals.

- My co-worker who spelled tossed (as in tossed salad) "tost" and also spelled cucumber "Qcumber" in total seriousness.

My best friend is a 5'3" tiny woman, and she runs all the time. Once she was alone and a dude on his bike smacked her ass. So she shoved him off his bike and yelled, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT WEARING A HELMET, ASSHOLE!!!" and then ran off.

Wait, what's the plural of Missus? Missuses? Missi? Mississippi?

So, would it be reasonable to continuously call his office until his people complain sooo much to him that he just says, you know what, fuck it! This shit is not worth it. Sorry Tommy, you're fired again.

A friend of my Dad's had the annoying habit of going out to nice restaurants and asking the waiter to choose a meal for him. It just sucked; it put the waiter in an awkward position; and it was an unnecessary hassle and a weird power play. So one time they went to a restaurant where he said that, and the waiter just

Good thing no one asked you.

Oh come on, don't act like bread soaked in bacon grease wouldn't be amazing (in moderation).

Well, it's not a study, it's just one single woman without any science education to her name.

Sorry guys, I must just be at the time in my cycle where I'm more sensitive to bullshit woo-woo "science" studies.

Another thing for women to have anxiety over. Perfect. Just get them navel-gazing enough, obsessing on exactly why they're doing what they're doing, and soon they'll have less enthusiasm for anything reality-based on the outside. This kind of delightful pseudoscience is even CALLED A HOROSCOPE but people are

My son has high functioning autism. I heard him say this recently, to a friend, over Xbox Live-

And you didn't just punch her in the face? I would have. And then I would have been all "oh, is that inappropriate? SORRY ABOUT MY ASPERBERGER'S SYNDROME."

They asked Daniel to remove the video, or they've asked that news outlets stop sharing it?

Either way, it's pretty ... rich?