
Oh, I definitely know I can do that, and it’s a great fix for some situations. I just don’t think a lot of the tabs I have open warrant having their own bookmark. If I did that every time Chrome got overloaded I’d have THOUSANDS of bookmarks. That’s just setting myself up for a bigger headache down the road

Bookmarks are definitely the right choice for things you need to access regularly. These aren’t tabs I need forever, only for a day or two. And bookmarking 70 tabs at once isn’t exactly an easy proposition.

They already did the Reaper rework by removing the “Souls” you had to pick up to heal. Now his healing is based on the damage he does.

Now playing

I think most Pharas go for direct hits. But most of the damage comes out of the splash. The estimation above isn’t innacraute for all the times I play Phara. I have to plan very careful to line up shots because I don’t have a lot of rockets in a clip, they don’t travel very quickly and their splash radius isn’t that

My discomfort is more important than your dignity”

I think you’re missing the point.

People largely ignore microaggressions that aren’t directed at them or a group they’re a part of.

When people who are part of a marginalized/targeted group raise their concern, they are told that they are “too sensitive” or “overblowing” it.

People outside the group see marginalized

Look, if you want to say something in these comments all I ask is that you be respectful to one another. Disagree on whatever points you want but please treat each other decently.  (Assholes and transphobes get banned.)

While it’s not my place/nor right to tell someone whether they’re offended or not. I do feel that we’ve spent so much effort and energy on fighting microaggressions, that we forgot to fight normal aggression and now it’s sitting in the White House and walking the streets carrying tiki torches.

Yeah, I whitelisted a few Youtube creators I like, only to have the trust returned in the form of 6 minute long unskippable music videos, and 10 minute unskippable ads. Back on goes the noscript.

This isn’t so bad guys. Look at it this way: 30 seconds of watching an advertisement is like two whole Amazon employee bathroom breaks.

i let my prime sub lapse a little while ago when the price increase was announced and the only thing i really missed was the no ads on twitch. now theyve removed that incentive and have only made my life easier.

Is there a button to shut off my Mom’s terrible restaurant recommendations? I love her dearly, but I swear to god I could be backpacking in the Amazon and she’ll be like, “Oh gosh, there’s this Applebee’s just down the road from where you are at. You HAVE to try it, the mozzy sticks are wonderful!”

How have we gotten this far into Twitter existing (and people catching shit for awful, terrible old tweets when they’re eventually found) without step 1 of becoming even famous enough for your name to show up in the paper being “delete any and all Twitter posts older than maybe two months ago, even if I wasn’t being a

“When I think about you I touch myself #divinyls”

Man, I’m sure glad Twitter wasn’t around when I was 17. It would be tough to face my friends and family today if I tweeted out lyrics to songs I listened to.

*Angry eggplant emoji*

“It’s lyrics,” Garbrandt said. “I grew up hanging out with blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, selling drugs. That’s a street word we would always say. It wasn’t like I was using derogatory words toward anyone. That’s how we grew up. It was kind of normal. That’s it. It’s a learning experience for a lot of people to not

I would ass pound them two fags.”

That’s how we grew up. It was kind of normal. That’s it. It’s a learning experience for a lot of people to not use that word in this day an age.”

Also, since Compete is gone, please add more OWL content. Definitely helps when it comes to getting a good pro gaming league more notice!