I have a million questions about this video.
I have a million questions about this video.
All the extra fabric was used up making that dude’s capris.
Let’s not overlook how both of them tried to ditch the other at the first chance they got. He shoved her into the cop initially and tried to run out the door; she moonwalked right past him being arrested to attempt her Spider-Man gambit.
The best part is when she fell through the ceiling.
I’ve gotten endorsements without communication simply for being a good healer and keeping folks topped off. It's nice to be appreciated!
So far this update has been great. I’ve noticed a reduction in trolling and even if it’s fake, everyone seems nicer.
If all of those super innocuous words have racial connotations... then that’s hella on you, dope.
Losing the ability to check teammates’ creds wasn’t something I was looking forward to.
I have no idea how Kappa could be racist. It’s a Twitch emote that’s some developer’s face. A kappa is also a Japanese water demon.
I haven’t played in a while because of other games and general life but this really sounds good.
People on twitter criticizing this can eat my entire asshole.
I’m just extra pissed because this is my favorite line to use when I’m working customer service. If your ass is being a dumb-ass and mean to my cashiers; I obviously fake smile this shit at ‘em. “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Extra-fuck that guy.
That’s cause it’s a nonapology.
That “apology” is the most colossal steaming pile of bullshit I’ve seen in some time. Every syllable is dripping with “I’m absolving myself of all responsibility.”
Generally I don’t follow streamers, but Annemunition is one of those that I’ve personally encountered online and left a mark on me. I was playing some Overwatch on the PTR server sometime ago, one of the builds that either included a new character or was a complete rework of another. I was playing Mercy and doing what…
Convince game companies to actually punish people for saying shit like this. Like zero tolerance policies. You do this even once perma-banned.
This is one of the few perks of my humble, low-paying job in academia. There is, comparatively speaking, a lot of flexible time during the summer and winter breaks for me to take a week or so to get away. It won’t always be somewhere glamorous since my job doesn’t actually pay all that much, but if I save wisely and…
Perfect timing for this info. Tomorrow is my last day before a permanent vacation - retirement!
Scott Kelly has said that in space, because he didn’t need to wear shoes for a whole year, the bottom of his feet became “baby soft”. But because he used the tops of his feet to hole himself onto railings, he developed thick calluses on TOPS of his feet! How weird is that?