This is a fabulous idea. How do we find our doppelgangers?
This is a fabulous idea. How do we find our doppelgangers?
I feel like *I* should get a body double for when I don’t feel like showing up for shit.
In a hangar at Andrews AFB:
As to the rest of your comment: the reason I am so completely pedantic about this, is because there has been a constant concerted effort to widen the net of what is considered The Holocaust, by antisemetic groups, by ignorant groups, hell even by well meaning politicians who just fumbled the ball (looking at you,…
I completely agree. The Holocaust and the Atlantic Slave Trade are different from the unfortunately common mass killings that are associated with authoritarian governments because a specific group of people were dehumanized and killed. My family had family members killed by Stalin because they were members of the…
I am absolutely glad to help- especially if there are people out there who are truly curious and want to learn more about the subject, anyone who asks a good faith question, I am willing to take the time and sit down and explain things. I wish I didn’t fucking have to, but them’s the breaks.
No worries, I am glad to have a discussion about all this, these are things that matter a lot, especially in these times where we see a lot of the same patterns of behavior. (by the way this is a super long comment, but the part after the **** is just some good reading on the subject if you want to learn more- what…
To get likes and share that who gives a flying fuck I want to see some more news on how Hollywood is taking on sexism and assault and not “oh how did they kill off this character on this show that’s barely escaping cancellation for its mediocrity.
Her death is easily the most compelling thing about this show - by a goddamn distance - and there’s still no way I’d ever even bother to tune in.
There was a commercial for new episodes yesterday where he’s dancing with his new old wife and one of them falls on the dancefloor - cue laughter, and it looked like an…
never seen an episode could care less
With the greatest of respect, as a person who suffers from mental illness myself, please don’t lump racists in with us. Racism may correlate with certain psychological conditions, but it’s important to remember that psychological conditions don’t cause racism. Racism is a value judgment that people bring to the world,…
This is excellent GIF usage.
It’s adorable that Rihanna can’t wink.
If I was a celeb, I would be the kind who would not travel with an entourage for the purpose of hanging out, I would just travel with people that do actual jobs in furtherance of whatever creative endeavour I’ve got cooking and who otherwise leave me alone. Which means that I don’t need a big room for a large group…
To get started, here’s mine, as thought of right now at this very moment and subject to extreme change:
I stood up to my dad last night. I STOOD UP TO MY DAD! He’s been hounding me, he hates the job I have, for some unknown reason. I used to be an attorney, I still am, but don’t practice. He wants me to have a job that I’m passionate about, but still make six figures. According to him, my sister, 8 years younger than I…
He’s President of the red part only:
I mean, it’s called the fucking U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS! It’s not even a thing you had to have learned at any point that it’s part of the U.S., it’s right there in the name.
“Also, what do we call people who are displaced within country since they technically are not refugees.”
Well, they are weather refugees. And speaking of which, what I am going to be doing about this is helping get these folks registered to vote. Especially in Florida, a swing state. I’m going to be compiling a “Greatest Hits of Trump Shi%%ing on Your Home Isalnd” scrapbook, and taking it with me as I go door-to-door.