
We were lucky to be able to stockpile everything at once. But the other option, and what I did when I was supporting myself and my boyfriend on a teacher’s salary in New Orleans, was buy a few supplies every time I went to the grocery store. 1 or 2 gallons of water, a few canned goods on top of my normal grocery run.

Wow, where did I say she can’t afford her house? I said she can’t afford to shore up her house for a storm, which is true. The article states that she “didn’t have the means to fortify against 15 foot storm surges”, so yes I did read the article and I restated what it said in my own words, which is a pretty good test

I have nothing but sympathy for people who can’t leave. But as a life-long Gulf Coast resident I have nothing but contempt for people who are have the ability to leave but are acting like this is the biggest surprise ever. If you live in a hurricane zone then you should have a plan in place.

Yea, it would require serious amounts of coordination and people doing what they are told (which humans suck at). It would require laws that say you can’t compel non-essential employees to stay if an evacuation order is issued. It requires tiers of evacuation that prioritized the most vulnerable. It would require

The models predicted Irma taking a hike vertically through Florida while it was still in the mid-Atlantic a week ago. As far as I’m concerned those spaghetti plots are borderline magic, and the European models created by straight-up warlocks. As soon as Floridians saw that curve they should’ve been out buying ramen,

The problem is that there is just no good way to move 6.5 million people quickly. Until we develop a culture as a society where we start shuttering businesses, providing leave, transportation and lodging a week ahead for an orderly evacuation, we’re going to keep having this problem.

Some people are good in emergencies and others aren’t. Of particular note are the ones who basically freeze and hope the whole thing blows over - this happens in car wrecks, in fires, in wars. They’re the ones who drive me completely fucking insane because they don’t just want to cling to the idea that nothing will

We can also blame them for not having any policy in place that allows workers to miss a few days of work and have their jobs protected when there are evacuation orders. Florida is a hurricane prone place, come on!

Don’t forget Shane, the other woman in the article, who thinks that staying inside the house she can’t afford to shore up for the storm is somehow going to protect her house from the storm. I get that people have complicated reasons for staying or leaving, and this storm has thrown people for a loop, but no one quoted

Yes, who is this Lexi person? Why is she being quoted like she is an authority or the voice of the people? She’s just an ordinary person venting in a crisis.

I agree that the models do as best as they can. There was NO conspiracy to tell people that the hurricane was coming to Miami and then change it at the latest hour. Nobody knew that the forecasts were going to change at the l;atest hour...however, I agree with her in her opinion that your state is unprepared. Isn’t

Uh, what is this? Let’s base an entire article on hurricane Irma on one girl’s twitter rants? Lexi, weathermen use these things called models because it’s impossible to predict where a hurricane will go as it’s traveling hundreds of miles. I was sick yesterday and did nothing but watching MSNBC and CNN. The governor

For the people without the means or option to leave, my heart breaks.

I mean, feel free to explain to little Janie all about your Randian jerkoff fantasy and how her mother is a leech on the system but Janie is eight and she’s hungry and she doesn’t understand why adults who have food won’t give her food when she’s hungry.

Some people do not create too much acid in their stomach to but not enough. Its a great way to balance things back to normal.

Now do one on kombucha. Unless you did and I missed it! I have friends that act like it’s a cure-all for everything. We’ll live forever and have world peace if everyone would just drink kombucha. And sip bone broth. That too.

I think you’re underestimating the degree of social influence at work. Many of the social queues that kids pick up on are so normalised to us we don’t even notice them.

This is a guy who complained his ratings were lower than Harvey’s when he pardoned a racist. This man is a selfish, glory seeking crook. He does not care about the people of Texas. He only cares about his photo op. To rally around the position of president will only OK what he does. Today, he took a pot shot at

Just curious, what was so organic about them gravitating towards traditional “girlie” things? Do you mean that they ought to, or just that that was their nature, or...?

I would but I’m afraid it would end up being a pet training manual.