
Iknow a guy who used as an email when starting his online business...

as much organic cold-pressed juice

Thank you! I think growing up in the era when gay/lesbian rights were really going mainstream made it super clear to me that the best way to help the cause is to be willing to educate, if you have the spoons for it. I’m lucky enough to have the disposition that I can do that sort of thing and (most days) not have it

*Sigh* I simply don’t understand how/why some people think rape/death “jokes” are even funny. Aside from this just making you a terrible person, it also makes you a terrible comedian.

I didn’t ungrey this troll. I was willfully ignoring him/her. There’s no way to have a discussion with someone who starts with the premise that black women are unqualified in their jobs. Sorry you’re having to deal with this ass.

Where would you possibly get the idea that Black women have to be in positions that they are not qualified for, and that every decent job we get is because of affirmative action? (You know, besides from racism, I mean.) I guess you are not aware that white women are actually the most common recipients of affirmative

Maybe they thought it was cute? But if I were a parent I’d like to think I’d have the forethought to avoid my child any obvious embarrassments and help them by writing it together or something.

I was curious, too. I don’t want to judge because there may be some learning difficulties that aren’t mentioned, but it seems very poor for an average 9 year old.

That’s a crap name. They should’ve gone with Graviti. Or Gravitee. Or added an h or an extra y or something. Grahvyty.

They’re Them!

Whenever I use a lot of sunscreen with zinc, it has a bluish tint. So slathering it on my latte-colored Black skin does make it purplish until I rub it all in, lol. It’s a weird thing but she’s right on that front.

No, and I’m still pondering the idea of a 19-year-old male with a 26-year-old female. And then feeling like I shouldn’t be, and what if it were reversed? And then realizing I don’t care enough to expend any more energy on it.

She’s looking pretty smug for someone who just procreated with a 19 year old male model. I can’t imagine coparenting with a teenager.

He’s 19!!!

That dress! OMG I love it.

The only other time you’ll hear about Lucky, Stormi and Gravity all in the same article is when a trailer park escapes a direct hit from a tornado. Congratulations on making it out of Tennessee!

Wow, this really made me laugh.

If some spawn of mine came at me with illiterate adoration for Orange Mussolini, I would set fire to all devices that allowed for video of the asshole-in-chief to enter our home and start homeschooling asap b/c wherever Pickle is getting his information, it is a very bad place, and I would be nipping that in the bud.

Am I out of touch for not knowing who these very attractive folks are?

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who takes selfies that I will never share with anyone where I am trying to smize. It’s not just squinting.... It’s so much more.... I’d never still be in the running to become America’s next top model.