
I think if she’s going to get on stage and gush about Beyonce, then yeah, she should’ve given her award. Otherwise, she should’ve just gone up there, said her thank yous, and dipped.

Some thoughts:

You know what’s hilarious, though? Trump’s deplorable have mobilized to boycott Nordstroms for no longer carrying Ivanka’s crap. It’s so funny, it’s like they don’t understand how business works. If something isn’t selling, the store won’t continue to sell it because they’re interested in sales. And now deplorables

Everything about this is just pure gold - the price, the discount, the name next to the dirt cheap price and “Made in China”... You can’t make this stuff up.

People need to remember: even the worst human beings in this world fuck and pop out babies. Sometimes, inexplicably, on purpose. Does having a kid suddenly redeem you from being a shitty human being? Does it entitle you to automatic love and respect? It sure as hell shouldn’t.

Good! For! YOU! You go girl, etc, etc. Always remember that you owe your parents nothing in return for their partial compliance with basic standards of decency; the only reason you should ever give your dad a chance is because you want to.

I admire this family for their honesty. A lot of families in similar situations who go through the charade of pretending the deceased was a nice person when their life ends and in some respects that can be painful and disrespectful to the victims.

This woman is my hero.

Damn. Bravo is right. Her follow up statement covers all the bases and shuts down pretty much any of the bullshit criticism that might have been levied at them. Good for them.

You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!

Eh, but she’s a different kind of idiot, and that’s why it works. She doesn’t pretend to be “respectable,” so yeah, she can call him a fraud. I do think you’re taking the credibility thing a bit too seriously – it’s a casual diss, not a condemnation.

Now playing

You’re missing it because you’re over thinking it. Its just something silly that people latch onto for no reason because people themselves are inherently silly/weird. I too am 30, and last March I was at a music festival (judge me). Damn Daniel was at its peak. You could be in a large crowd of strangers and you would

It’s just delighting in small moments of absurdity. You don’t get it because you’re overthinking it!

The bigger scandal is 1) why does he need 19 bags

I mean, I wish more people would pose these questions (why didn’t you cast a person of the race the original character is) to the producers/directors. Of course it’s good to have the conversation and get the point out there, but it’s not really up to the actors. Obviously, SJ could have turned down the project, and

To me it is such a sexist vestigial remain. Like, she wasnt elected, she isnt getting paid for the position, but she is still expected to do a whole bunch of work because her husband is President. And people threw a shit-fit when Michelle Obama commented that there should be some kind of compensation for the First

(On this one thing) I am on your side, Melania; dont do any of the First Lady bullshit if you dont want to. First Ladyisnt a paid position, so I dont see why she should be expected to do a whole bunch of work.

I don’t know what you mean about “perfectly fine.” That doll’s wearing Crocs. It’s a travesty!

for real, I feel like you have to work to NOT have more than 4 coffee cups. they’re like bunnies, they multiple at night when we’re sleeping.