
Thank you for bringing that clip into my life.


This will never stop bothering me.

Adding my voice to the chorus of whats and whys regarding this new format. It was bad enough on the desktop, but mobile is a goddamned nightmare.


If he didn't, he probably should have, sadly.

Girls can knock out a great bottle episode (and its cousin, the party episode), but The Panic in Central Park is the exact opposite of what a bottle episode is.

Or Midge, who I hope eventually realized she could do better.

Secretary is on my shortlist, too.

I was going to hit that quote with a "FAKE NEWS", but I should have known someone else was going to have been quicker on the draw.

Sad upvote.

I've had "By-Tor and the Snow Dog" by Rush as my alarm for a couple years now. I put it on there as a joke but have since gotten used to it and can't at this point imagine using any other song or sound.

I've been hitting that genre hard since November, and don't foresee letting up soon.

Consider this a vote for XX rather than Trumped. I swear my preference is due to several factors aside from being a St. Vincent superfan, though that does lead the pack.

And there's always the Dickies version if you're in a more aggressive place, mentally.

Yeah, my reading comprehension wasn't on point there, apologies. I'll stand by Bad Words as a solid if not terribly impressive Bateman outing, though.

Bad Words. [Didn't see the "that I actually liked" caveat initially, so, for me, just Bad Words.]

I wanted to go lighthearted for my winter break reading, so I finished Nog by Rudolph Wurlitzer, The Magic Christian by Terry Southern, and I'm nearly through The Last Defender of Camelot, a collection of early short stories by Roger Zelazny. Nog was expectedly slight and weird, The Magic Christian was very funny but

I had listened to a lot of Cave before reading And the Ass Saw the Angel, and was still surprised by how haunting and well-written it is.

I'm thinking you're right.