
Ah, fair enough.

Trying to decide what I'm going to read on the break between semesters. Should I read Eichmann in Jerusalem? Should I burn through some backlogged comic trades? The responsible part of me says to do the former, but the other, louder, more numerous parts of me say otherwise.

John Varley's Gaea Trilogy is a fantastic sci fi series from the late 70s/early 80s that doesn't get nearly as much love as it should.


I also loved Libra and hated White Noise, FWIW, but I am a bit of a Kennedy wonk. Started on Underworld a couple years ago and put it down quick.

I waffle often on my favorite IJ character, but I always come back to Pemulis. Maybe because he's the kind of kid I'd have had a debilitating crush on in high school.

Welp, crying again.

OP's take was not hot in any way; you and the poster you responded to are in agreement. I could have been less dickish about it, but I can't help but be surprised when sarcasm goes over the heads of commenters on this site, of all places.


Just when I think I'm past the point of emotional reaction to this shitshow, I read something like this and in comes the sadness. Poor kids.

I appreciated The House of the Devil for its aesthetic, but it was definitely a disappointment, scares-wise.

Lots and lots, but the first one that came to mind is when the guitar kicks in toward the end of St. Vincent's "Huey Newton".

Just thinking about that scene just gave me goosebumps, so yeah.

Zoo is the guiltiest of pleasures, but I watch it on Netflix a year past the air date, and tell no one.

I've thought since reading the novel years ago that an animated adaptation would be an interesting take. The descriptions of the Combine and the orderlies, especially, I could easily see represented in a trippy, Satoshi Kon kind of style.

Upvoted for Kathryn Hahn! Underappreciated.

Stephen Rea is a great answer that I never would have considered. Best part of V for Vendetta.

James Urbaniak. Luckily, he's in stuff I enjoy watching.

The wardrobe department really went above and beyond with this one.

Paraphrasing, but: "This all started with a bet…a bet that we could get anyone elected to anything."