
Ha ha fooled us. I just quit half through episode 5. If we can shit all over "Low Winter Sun" and "True Detective 2" then I don't see how this turkey is still getting "luke warm reviews".

Maybe Noah will give her her photo back the one John jerked off on and she will rub it on her hoochie and end up having his baby? Is that possible? I mean girls get pregnant from toilet seats leastways that's what Ma told me so I wouldn't jerk off in public toilets.

I am so close but then I watched episode 5 of The OA and I realised we have to support shows like The Affair because the Golden Age may just be ending and I am not ready for that.

I wonder if the writers actually believe we have any good feelings left about these characters? There's Noah "I am so fucking great don't you think I'm fucking great too?" Solloway and Alison, The Queen of Bad Choices. I'm hoping next time she'll take Joannie to a bar for her birthday and then leave her to have sex

Thank god we won't have to put up with this sanctimonious writing anymore. Not the Newsroom - that was mostly quite good. I mean Libby Hill's rubbish reviews.

This review just demonstrated why citizen journalism is shit. It was 2000 words on what the writer thinks about rape. Here's the thing Libby, we don't give a shit what you think about rape, your job is to review the show. Strangely enough you have a go at Sorkin for his lack of moral ambiguity while demonstrating

You're all missing something: Black Beard - BB - a dying, bald guy with a goatee who runs a vast crime operation and everyone wants to kill. It's so Black and White.

that's Black Beard's PR talking - apparently though a lot of people died accidentally in his presence.

man up and dawn your mistakes.

Go mock yourself.

what a load of bollocks

They could have had Molly confront Malvo if she had stayed alone in the police station and he had come looking for her. Or have Lester in the prison "for his own protection". She tries to arrest Malvo but he turns the tables and is about to kill her and then Gus turns up (unable to raise her on the phone or radio) and

I think Lester's response to the glove story was on a par with him not feeling guilty that his wife was killed because she was mistaken for him.

tell it to the judge

Can we have a new reviewer next season please AVC? Or even next week since it seems such a burden for him. Let's put a stake through his heart, I mean, just to put him out of his eternal misery of reviewing a show he doesn't care much for. I'm not really interested in failed scriptwriting/director graduates

Or as Edith Piaf would sing: Jon ne Ygritte rien.

Narnia? So there were skeletons in that cupboard after all.

out of interest, what do you think the phrase "As such, spoilers are strictly forbidden" means?

and they are going to try the same thing on Tywin.

I assume Tywin is going to undergo the same rejuvinating therapy as The Mountain. Why else bring it up? Remembering what he said to Cersei though that he wouldn't be the same person and best not to wake him up. So zombie Tywin controlled by Cersei. Can't wait!