Trump Supporters don’t understand whats going on, their victory is the tweets and the outrage.
Trump Supporters don’t understand whats going on, their victory is the tweets and the outrage.
For someone whose never experienced, or never knew I was experiencing racism, I am genuinely concerned the president is giving hate filled individuals the courage they need to make moves.
I am a firm believer this woman has committed a number of crimes similar to Cosby and if we as a society really wanna change, we gotta stop turning a blind eye to these individuals because we like how they dress and sing. Enablers helped R. Kelly cause he dressed nice and sang great songs.
Probably get a contract raise. “Now apply that throat stomping to Brady and Co.”
Hand over heart.
Why does she look like the human version of a pound cake?
The voters are, 10000000000000000000000% true!
She defends those individuals who don’t get the roles they deserve by taking on the jobs and really under performing. Just check out Ghost In a Shell; she knew it was whitewashed, so in turn, made a turd look more appealing than her performance. Preach sister!
oh burrrrrrrrrrrrrrn. but the truth, there is no coverage on it.
Video/audio evidence doesn’t work on Trump ala Billy Bush.
I think God created the body camera police officers have to wear now. Thank you God.
Leader in sports this place.
“We we’re concerned about Dr. Rowe’s comments...despite this being the 90th time one of our employees have done something to put us in a negative light...very concerned.”
I was born in I did not experience a lot of this ignorance. I do wish to know, how much money did it cost to install four set of bathrooms? Two different water fountains? Like there had to be a cost to keep everything segregated right?
Didn’t another guy do the same thing a few days an adult? If people find this funny...let someone spit in your food, then eat it with glee I guess?
Please Bill Gates...don’t be a kid f**ker.
reminds of the superstore episode where they have Glenn’s first edition Superman #1...and rip the pages out to discard their gum in it. That sound is my soul crushing.
Um...Iron Man and Michael Scott were integral to the team’s success, how dare you!?
I know I know I know...but 300K to slap a ball. Man, I went wrong in life.