
Could you not be intelligent in that scenario Britt? 

I was always told presidential candidates are American’s in top form. I’m starting to wonder what top form means now. 

I’m guessing this dude don’t have any female kids/relatives, and his children are brought to him via stork.

Pelosi! What a joke, she’s more in the pocket of Trump than any other person, don’t be fooled. 

Who pays for these events? What is the purpose? 

Doesn’t it cost half a billion to make one of those fighter jets sitting in storage, collecting dust? Donate one to each state, problem solved.

Why does Mack get to testify against the guy and his organization that she reportedly was the number 2 in charge? Doesn’t that, at bare min., prove she is as guilty as him? 

My `rent’s beat me good, real good, but never to the extent anything was broken.

So the redesign is going to be the standard right...or does that make it too respectable of a movie? Nintendo is asking Sega to really drop the ball in support of Dt. Pika. How do “professionals” fail to do what a fan can?

This can’t be real life. 

didn’t she break the law..? 

Doesn’t look that baaaaaaad.

Isn’t this the one that got divorced for the other fox chick? 

I think anyone outside of terrorist, like the Boston Bomber, should be allowed to vote. Why would you invite someone to take part in a process they so clearly want to destroy?

She’s gunna get off, no charges, no jail time, no nothing! America! Why isn’t Trump chiming in on this?

“....we know you can control the weather.”

Yo that video is of legend, the Racism 0 Easter Bunny 1. 

Man if this was Obama....good Lord. 

I think the officers drew pictures with stick figures that demonstrated the risk they were in. The video is too grainy to see anything, tough. Guess we got to go with the officers word. Lucky that kid wasn’t holding a snickers bar. 

This little boy’s recovery will be the story of 2019! You can do it!