$400 is not a fine.
$400 is not a fine.
I like her husband better, why can’t he go on TV instead?
The Spy Who Blew Me?
Silly...they aren’t rigged!
Mark Sanchez, wow.
What does the word “Patriot” mean to you?
Damn..she’s a looker.
I’ll be the editor...Kotaku...where do I send my resume?
It’s called google...use that for your fixes ya sickos!
Charge them to take pictures there! That’ll stop that shit real quick.
Do you not read?
I don’t like that gaming has become so centered in pop culture today, since Fortnite started bringing in all the Drakes and Post Malones, now theres an ongoing lawsuit over a dance move, its just not healthy for the gaming industry as a whole. If there’s one thing I can say has put the spotlight directly on the…
Wait...is there an Infinity War 2 though? That wasn’t much of a war in the first film....they didn’t even go to Battleworld.
So they stopped the VA from making a statement about the violence...cause of Trump’s remarks before hand? Can’t throw the pres under the bus I guess.
He can meme his way into jail though!
Chyna has gone to school?
Where do these people come from?
Dude has the whitest teeth I have ever seen. He should use some of that dental money.
A father’s love may not be the easiest to attain, but not impossible. Maybe that isn’t your dad....?
Hey...maybe now would be a good time to start looking for a job at this studio? I feel a clean house is coming in the near, near, next couple of days future.