They both suck.
They both suck. stayed for 13 years why again?
That kick was amazing, I have watched this video in amazement and gut-busting hilarity several times over now. Please, don’t ever stop beefing ya’ll.
Had to get him some of that ass! He’s an ass man!
He’s using cheat codes!
All of these people were born in test tubes. Clearly.
How much money did this guy have saved up for all of these payouts? Holy ball fuckers, dude is like a full time job opportunity if you could get him to give you a phone call and masturbate.
LoL...”They weren’t new-borns...they were toddlers when there were molested!”
Dude, that guy in blue, hauling ass as the horse was coming back...might be a purest of breeds.
He should make fun of that other idiot who couldn’t remember about that high profile dirt-getting meeting in his tower a few months ago...what was that jackass’ name...Ramp Runior or something.
Jeffey is coming back! Jeffey Dahmer!
Did he get on a boat...that’s still basically on the catch this bass? Something founds fishy here....
That’s like 3 million dollars in NYC. They call it “state of the (f)art.”
Brand loyalty to level up!? Sounds like an RPG...made from the South Park guys.
Fights women she thinks her boyfriend is sleeping with...and then hugs boyfriend. Deserving.
I’ll be any race you want for $350 a day.
still gets paid real money.
A billion dollar lawsuit? Everyone laughs...then realizes...this shit is serious.
This is a public school right? I always thought racism flourished in private schools cause of the lack of diversity, usually due to the disparity in income usually allowing for one specific non-minority race to attend. However, I’m starting to notice an uptick in these incidents happening in more and more public…
“It’s alarming that anyone would want to put Judiciary Committee Republicans and their families in danger.”