
Even for a prank...wouldn’t a normal person pick up on this and be like “ want me to do what?” If the level of being gullible is this high throughout politics, its not hard to see why the country is in it’s current position. 

This may be the first time that a CEO actually admits that the customer experience is purposely designed to be horrible, so they can push profits toward selling more space through expensive seats. I am kinda blown away at this, even though it shouldn’t be that much of a realization, the honesty is kinda surprising.  

Finally, I live in New Jersey, and this has been the best new in months! Tired of seeing young kids getting locked up for some weed and derailing their entire life. Just make sure you don’t run into super cop “We have a duty and obligation to enforce the laws as their written right now,” Wayne Blanchard, still thinks

“I’ve fallen into the trap that my child deserves food and shelter - how selfish of I”. 

I don’t get women who listen to men trash other women...why? Its like putting a bandage on, and then stabbing the bandage...then wrapping it again...stab...wrap..stab...wrap...etc. 

Sad, this is how we treat each other in 2018. 

I wish this happened more...can Whoopi book Tomi Lauren? That would be a ass beating worth a life time of joy. 

You can kinda feel the blood rushing to her face when she realizes what she did wrong, BUSTED! 

I don’t know how race is getting involved here...I think the guy who got thrown to the ground, for getting involved with a situation 10 out of 10 times people walk way from, and then escalating the situation by pulling a gun out and shooting an unarmed person is in the wrong here.

You could pull up arrest records and the man could be a convicted felon nine times over, no one in that situation knew that, unless you are saying the shooter had an active registry of all felons and arrest without a 5 mile radius. Lets go back to the original issue here: He started an argument because someone parked

I wish I worked for Fox, seems like such an inviting and engaging work culture.

But when did pushing someone on the ground equal pulling out a gun and shooting to kill? It honestly sounds like the shooter wanted a reason to use his right to defend himself, so he found the most petty offense possible and pursed it to satisfy his cause. Is there a law that says you cannot use said gun and stand

Wasn’t he also an FBI informant or was that the other tard who screwed his dad’s wife? I hope the other supremacist rallies have pictures of these two heroes, the men leading the cause for white justice! And also for living at home and having sex with two wives, including your stepmom! Yes, #WinningLiketheIinTomI!

Once I read Milo was going to be in this movie, I knew this was a troll post. You almost got me Jezebel! 

You can kill someone over parking in a handicap spot, in a gas station supermarket, in front of their family, and not be arrested - ahh just kidding, this is a dream. No wait....


Isn’t it sexist to not offer paid maternity leave? If companies don’t want to dish out money for pregnancy (especially those fortunate to have been born into existence solely by thought alone and not from a vagina), they should at least be forced to provide work spaces for pregnant mothers, set up specifically for

Uma has always been a great actress, she’s definitely the archetype for others such as Charlize Theron. 

Don’t you dare talk bad about my wonder bread...or I’ll have to beat some ass with this loaf of raisin brand!

Why are the cops smiling?