
I can guarantee you the trade-in is BS. Just traded in my 2013 A3 TDI to VW (only place who would take it). Right after the news broke, it was valued online for $20-24k. The day I traded it in, the dealership’s website said $16-19k. They gave me $14k. “Pissed” is an understatement.

I am, well WAS, looking to trade my 2013 A3 TDI in this week because I don’t want to wait 1-2 yrs for a fix. Two days after the news broke, I priced the value of my car online and it came back as $20-$24k. Went to several sites this week and they all came back with $16-$19k. That’s a $4,000 drop in a month for a car

Super pissed. I am an owner (2013 Audi A3 TDI). I was being pressured into buying a new car (by husband and mom) because my MINI had almost 200k miles on it and I had a long daily commute. Being the closet tree-hugging hippy I am, I said I had to have another hatchback that had to have 40+ mpg and be environmentally