
Personally, I blame Calpurnia.

Maybe we travel in different circles, but I mostly hear white people called hucksters, probably because there are many more dishonest white people with a veneer of prosperous respectability than black people.

Need a death match between Nightmare Ant and the Billikin.

Okay. Here are some short, direct words, as E.B White and Kurt Vonnegut recommend: Go fuck yourself.

It’s an opportunity for someone else to take a bite out of Samsung, and it’s going to cost Samsung a lot of money, but it isn’t an existential crisis.

Bernie doesn’t have any objections at all to spending money on safety.

Great googly moogly.

Bullshit. It’s entirely comprehensible to anyone with a normal human brain. Everyone is occasionally in dangerous or stressful circumstances. For example, I would rank childbirth (or any surgery requiring anesthesia) as an event much more dangerous and stressful than an Amercian cop’s average day.

In the case of the canyon jump, yes. That’s the only one.

Evel’s actual motorcycle jumps were poorly planned, but Evel did exactly the same thing that this guy did for the canyon jump: Hired a guy who could do math.

If you don’t see it, you don’t hang out with my relatives.

“It was okay because the guy’s ex-neighbors helped.”

Isn’t that sandwich called a Buffalonian?

Say what you will about shamanism, at least it’s an ethos.

But this previously negotiated agreement is inconvenient to business, therefore it is void.

I ran into the side of a bridge. It worked out that the underside of the car caught on a high curb like a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier and did thousands of dollars in damage without scratching the paint. I’ve often wondered whether falling eight feet and drowning upside down in four feet of water would have

Hot taek: Komen sucks, but I like the look of the random pink flair.

“Stupid bigot” is his target audience.

To be fair, this is probably less dangerous than his day job.

Whatever you do, don’t google “Blaster love.” Urk.