
Are you that.... whatever? You deserve any shit you get for your comment.

Yeah, I don’t care about that guys hurt fee-fees. He shot a toddler and was waving a loaded gun around in a room full of children. Then punched a 5 year old for crying and tried to frame her for the shooting. He gets NO consideration. Fuck that guy.

The outrage over the “bullshit Sansa rape episode” was absolutely absurd to me. It wasn’t even close to the worst thing to happen to someone on that show, and it was entirely off-camera, which is rare for those kinds of terrible actions on that show. I mean, I didn’t enjoy it, but the first thing I thought after the

And we should vote for a woman, just because she is a woman, so she will automatically represent women and all the other underrepresented segments of our country better, despite the mountains and mountains of evidence that shows otherwise?

I fully support running everyone who voted to invade Iraq out of town. Anyone who voted to invade Iraq has no business being county dog catcher much less Congress.

Elizabeth Warren is the president i want

Bernie is the candidate that we desperately need. Hillary is the candidate that we deserve.

A Jezebel commenter graced an article I wrote with a list of “pros and cons” about the candidate that named Clinton’s only con as “hasn’t fulfilled her potential.”

1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over

She also responded to the Fire Katehi protests—you know, the protests about the large sums of money she earned from companies that seemed to have interests conflicting with those of the university—by creating a $200,000 ‘scholarship’ (read: embarrassingly naked bribe) for students. She seems to skip... a lot of steps.

Yes! In the course of work I have had to contact more than one professor — who still are teaching and presumably have students who need to contact them — who have casually told me they didn’t return calls or emails because they “have no idea how the new phone messaging system works” and that, while they have an email

I never knew about this incident before, but now I’ve seen the video and it’s pretty horrifying. (ICYMI, the group that forms to the right near the end is shielding a student who’s vomiting because of the pepper spray.)

Please don’t do that.

The people who did this have probably been ensconced in academia so long that they’re completely insulated from how the rest of the world works. The Chancellor probably said something like, “This is going to hurt our enrollment and fundraising, can’t we fix it?” and her staff then scrambled around trying to find

One word; Boomers.

These out of touch people who are in positions of relative power are a complete embarrassment to themselves and the outrageous government paychecks they collect.

I wish I had words to articulate how frustrating hearing stories like this is. And it’s not like these men aren’t capable of finding mutual relationships, or casual flings, with women. It’s about the power trip and it’s just so gross. People can be so evil.

DON’T COMPLAIN (says a white person).

Fucking relax.

I spent the 8th grade as the only non-white student in an affluent suburban school. Needless to say, many students made it their priority to make that year suck. Thankfully there were a couple normal kids that chose not to torture me, and of them there was a young woman I’ll never forget because of the time she so