
Mine is 6 years old now. Going in for a second soon, we’re going to start trying to in 6 months time, dreading the first 3 months but I know what i’m in for this time!!!

It constantly amazes me that people have so little to do. I’m over here working 12 hour days and raising a son and traveling twice a week for work and just realized I haven’t washed my hair in three days. But people have time to work with a chicken. To make it tweet. NOPE.

I dunno. Met my wife when we were in our late teens, got married in our early 20s and are still married 30+ years later. *shrug* The advantage of being in love in our 20s was lots of lots of hot circus monkey style sex in quantities I still can’t believe. I think she’s still into me. :)

fixed that for you

Yeah, “that moment” never came for me either. If you look at having a baby objectively, it’s weird. It’s a total stranger coming into your life and demanding all you have, 24/7, right away and then for the rest of your life. No one really ever prepares you for the mental & psychological adjustments you need to make

Important clarification here: 14 year olds are not affected by anything in this story or in yes means yes laws. California just passed a law that said that is what they should be taught is the expectation for behavior in sex education classes, but they are the only ones to even take it that far. They have also passed

My best friend was my lifeline. He would bus for an hour each way just to hang out with me. I love him to bits for that.

Well... I mean, you don’t have to send them to private school.

Not only that, but parents get ridiculed for having negative thoughts about their children, especially mothers. Everyone gets tired, and having worked with many babies, I am fully aware of the days when you just want to scream because NOTHING you do works, and it’s because you really are trying so hard to make sure

Slightly off topic but the fact that Rusty Yates isn’t sitting in prison still angers me to no end. When he went on Oprah and said he “forgave her”, I about lost my mind.

Yikes. I remember a few nights where I was so stressed and tired that I could have thrown her out the window. Glad I don’t live in an apartment where that option is available at those moments. Thankfully, at those moments, I would put her in her cot and go outside for a few minutes to calm down.

Thanks for the feedback, Eatmeslowly.

You ever seen a bear with a long dick??

I feel like there’s a lot of useful information that we (anybody) would need to know about what happened (in the first encounter) to make an informed opinion. Without that information this whole thing is a just a huge (consensual) circle-jerk. What we are left with (in absence of actual information) is conjecture and

OK seriously, though — is there anyone (bride or not) who WOULDN’T rush to the side of their injured father or grandparents? I can’t even imagine getting the call and going, “Oh well, I’m sure they’ll be fine, I need to go make my grand entrance at my reception.”

Sounds like you need to read more zines. Go down to your community photocopier and hang around until my contact arrives. He’ll be the white dude with dreadlocks, you can’t miss him.

·This reminds me of Epicurus :

Also, “God” exists, but is petty and malevolent.

Fish is the one kind of meat I miss the most. I’ve been more than 10 years without it and I haven’t withered away from a protein deficiency yet.

Yeah, fish is really the only thing I’ve missed in my journey towards vegetarianism, but with its ecological costs there was just no way to justify eating it anymore.