Unless they came up with that together when they worked together, like it evolved out of a conversation, this is stealing regardless of the fact that she made it way smarter and funnier with her additional content.
Unless they came up with that together when they worked together, like it evolved out of a conversation, this is stealing regardless of the fact that she made it way smarter and funnier with her additional content.
She had to give back custody because the boys were harming her daughters in some way, and I believe Brooke’s brother moved in with her to help her with them? Not sure about that last part but whatever the case it’s gonna be a long road for those poor kids.
Love him but he actually gives me a very mild, fighting it but deep down MRA vibe.
Yeah and it’s not gonna look great in court either. Divorced parents need to talk to their friends, not their kids - speaking as the kid of a mom who didn’t.
Why are you even bothering with this idiot? He’s essentially arguing that you never have the right to make a moral judgment since we cannot be perfect in this life. Whut?
Agreed, I think his tweets provided a great opportunity for a public discussion about the blindness created by privilege, and that moment could have been taken advantage of without doing so at his expense. Unfortunately people are almost always more interested in scoring brownie points for themselves.
Honestly? They should have just tried harder. The kid wouldn’t take other foods but that doesn’t mean he didn’t need them. Thankfully my kids aren’t picky so I can’t imagine - but you can’t just throw up your hands and say “ok, so, only almond milk for you”.
Painfully obvious I’d say. My kids are in perfect health and I never even have to think about it, because I’ve had a well balanced vegan diet for 20 years before they were born. It’s actually embarrassingly easy.
plant milk is milk. The liquid made from nuts and the body of a nut have been called “milk” and “meat” since before there were even vegans to hate on. There’s cow milk, goat milk, almond milk, soy milk. What’s fair to say is that the almond milk on the market isn’t really traditional nut milk, but more a tapioca…
It seems the kid was reacting badly to many different foods including dairy milk and at some point all it would accept was almond milk. You should hear what some idiots are saying downthread about vegans.
no no no, don’t rob everyone of their chance to bash vegans and pat themselves on the back for never being stupid enough to re-examine their dietary habits from a moral perspective.
Seriously, if this was a “vegan” thing, WHY wouldn’t they give their kid anything but almond milk? You realize vegans can eat things other than almond milk right? This is clearly and obviously nothing at all to do with veganism. ffs
Ugh. I’m vegan, both my kids were breastfed, received soy formula, as well as almond milk and other beverages PLUS they began eating pureed foods around 4 months and by the time they were 11 months were eating pretty much anything and everything. This is a restricted diet. Not a vegan diet. For fucks sake.
Yeah I’m reading all this like “ but women that age CAN have kids”.
Of course they could and I’m sure they could also pony up and pay off my debt - but an NYC apartment without a dishwasher is not an insult, it’s normal. Having to go through a side door is the crime here.
My thoughts on that were that I’ve never paid rent that low in NYC in the last 20 years and I’ve never had a dishwasher either. Just a couple years ago I bought a portable one which works off my kitchen faucet, and she is free to do the same. But all that said poor doors are total horseshit.
That is funny. My mom hilariously would always tell us that lying to her was worse than murder, so I had a real hang up about it. But I had to lie to her to survive, which caused me so much guilt until I realized that some people force you to lie, but you can be the type of person who doesn’t put that kind of pressure…
I think it’s a combination. I think that as the lie evolves, they justify the lie. Like if it’s a fake affair they made up that their husband had, they’ll tell themselves “well telling everyone he cheated on me is fair because of how much he flirted and how inadequate he made me feel all those years” regardless of how…
Oy the hardest part of spending time with my mother is listening to her latest versions of why everyone else won’t speak to her. God it’s disgusting. Thank god I can just bite my tongue and change the subject.