Whitest Kids U Know…Sex Robot. All the time, every time!
Whitest Kids U Know…Sex Robot. All the time, every time!
But couldn't The Master just regenera…oops different Master 😉
Well it does all kinda tie in together seeing as how The Master himself used to be a wrestler…
Some would say quite the opposite about Cena ….he's actually the jorts wearing strigoi sucking any enjoyment, enthusiasm, and lifeblood out of so many lifelong fans.
It's a real place… the Jekyll and Hyde Club in Manhattan
Fun Fact: The script was written the guy who wrote Big Trouble In Little China and directed Buckaroo Bonzai.
Seems like a stretch…or at the very least a way to bring back the Zygons as fresh villian
But wouldn't that one be an evil Zygon?
I know…he killed Osgood who I would've liked to have seen as a companion after Clara
As long as Capaldi stays on board I'm a happy guy. I like Jenna Coleman/Clara but think it is time for some fresh companion blood. I would've liked Osgood but Moffat killed her off… For no good reason I might add.
Moisturize me! - Cassandra
Very true…add Straw Hat & Old Dirty Hank to that list. They're still making great music but def not the same with Page gone.
What A Good Boy by BNL…the studio version is just a kind of there while on Steven Page injects such emotion & sweep.
The final episode of The Doctor Who Podcast was both hilarious and bittersweet…going to miss the guys and gal of the camper van.
I want to go to fanciful world where dress color arguments and live llama videos are the predominant topics of internet buzz….oh wait…am I already dead?
Doctor Who…and I can still go through all of time and space.
K-9 of course…a Doctor's best friend.
Oh that James Bonding Podcast theme burrow it's way into brain you'll be left a drooling mass just mumbling the name Matt over and over.
Whoooo hooo more Doctor Tucker…unfortunately this would also seem to confirm Moffat coming back as showrunner.
It's just as bad to make to make generalizations on the severity of different psychological conditions as it is to make against mental health conditions in general. ADD/ADHD is a very serious quality of life limiting condition for some people and if not treated medically have serious consequences and lead to other…