
I am someone who does struggle daily mightily with several mental health issues and knows all too well the personal consequences of maintaining their regimen of meds. And I am fully aware of the about the lack of understanding and other negative /uninformed perceptions many people have about mental health. And

Yes for the mere reason that they're immediate reaction is to take a message away from it in first place.

It's probably the same people who were seeing an anti-abortion message in a story about bacteria spider infested moon-egg that hatches and lays another moon-egg….
….. or a pro-abortion message I've heard both thrown out there.

People are going to react negatively to the comments made by a fictional alien character while trying to decipher why London(and the world) has been overgrown with trees in only a few hours…I loathe these people.

I've wholly agreed with Alisdairs review the last 2 weeks. Cheerleading would be if he didn't provide any context or historical perspective which he does. Contrast that with the Doctor Who Podcast which I listened to right after reading this review. They're often overly critical but gloss over everything with a bare

I read this great in-depth review and then listened to the Doctor Who Podcast…should've stopped with this review.

That's been a big problem for me this season. It seems to be so disjointed with no sense time or place(kinda ironic) and it started off that way from the beginning. For a show that deals with all the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff post regeneration has typically always been pretty linear and that usually helps imo

Did it seem to anyone else that the thickness of Capaldi's accent was a pulled back a bit in this episode? There's been points in prior episodes where it was so thick and he was talking so fast I could barely understand him…Same thing happened on Thick of It to.

The Doctor Who S8 teasers/trailers… Silicon Valley 2nd.

James Bonding all the way…between that, Daly Pilot Project, & the hinted at return of Superego 2014 is clearly the Year of Gourley.

I spent 4 days trapped in a metal box on an oil rig inhabited by robot forklifts…delivery was perfect!

And for one brief shining moment I thought it might be a Hellboy series.

Art of Wrestling & Steve Austin Unleashed…Yes!

I guess Dr. Doofenschmirtz finally completed work on his Zombie-inator.

It's the same logic used in calling it government "shutdown" when only 30% of the actual federal government workforce is temporarily furloughed. Doesn't sound all that shutdown to me. Mail still got delivered today.

I didn't point any ideology fingers because I see it equally in both ends of the political spectrum.

Thought the Butters B-plot was a pitch perfect satire on people who blindly worship government exactly like people blindly worship religion/god and think it's the end-all be-all answer to everything.