
My boyfriend LOVES Daenerys, I'm not her biggest fan. I love Sansa AND Jon Snow, and both of us like the Bran storyline.

This is so regional. I grew up in MA, and my name is hyphenated, and almost everyone I grew up with either also had a hyphenated last name, or their mom had kept her maiden name. My boyfriend, on the other hand, grew up in FL, where we live now. He had never met someone with a hyphenated last name until college, and

He's like 40. :( :(

My mom used was used hypnotherapy to help lose weight, and had great results!

Michael Brown is not on trial. Michael Brown is not on trial. Michael Brown is not on trial. Michael Brown is not on trial. Michael Brown is not on trial. Michael Brown is not on trial.

I had the pleasure of hearing one of my coworker's opinion on the Ferguson protests today: "the cops should just kill them all." Ughh.


Related: in 7th grade I knew a Declan O'Grady who was dating a Daisy Sanchez, and we told them they should name their future child Jesus O'Grady.

In my top ten best tats ever for sure.

Actually, most councils are being forced to make the tough decision to close camps due to budget issues. (Lifetime member here, and not at all happy about all the branded partnerships, but I also don't want to see girls in my council lose their chance to experience camp! GSUSA provides a lot of camp scholarships and

Is that what you think your choices are? Abstinence only or a sex ed class where the teacher just tells the kids they should be having as much sex as possible, as soon as possible? I'm assuming your being deliberately obtuse, because if not... that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

Day care for a 9 year old in the summer would probably be day camp (for someone who could afford it).

Ughhhhh that was like 50% of why I had to stop watching that mess.

Just jumping in to agree with you, as a natural blonde paleontologist, and also currently the only lady in my lab... That shit gets old.

It's extra credit, and the ENTIRE POINT is that it isn't fair.

Oh my god, My arm hair is BY FAR what I am most body-conscious about, after a longgg childhood of being made fun of for my very hairy arms. Now I just try to embrace it, but the pressure is definitely there.

Please understand that that is FANTASTIC for your friend, but extraordinarily rare.

Seriously, does a lifelong NY resident actually expect us to believe that he was out after midnight taking tourist shots of... scaffolding? Surely he wasn't taking a creepshot of this woman, HE WOULD NEVER!

Yeah, but you guys don't make it damn near impossible, financially, to raise and then later bury a person. And you don't have to worry about the possibility of your child having a pre-existing condition that won't allow them to get insurance later.

Exactly. This is how I ended up with my now live-in BF of over 2 years. With what money do these fucking people propose us millenials go on "real dates" with?? We're out of college and employed and still can barely afford to go out on occasion!