
Andddd my brain is broken.

Exactly- I know many republicans (/"libertarians") who get all their political info from friends and family on facebook, and have very little real understanding of where their party actually stands on the issues. It's painful to see people vote against their own self interest.

Exactly. A real animal sanctuary seriously limits the time that even the most experienced staff spend with these wild animals. They are NOT pets, and they are certainly not photo props.


I have AdBlock Plus? Everything works fine for me. So I'm not sure, but try it out because life without ads is so much better! Maybe try them both out again?

Ad Block, dude!

I have an MIT dad too! Here he is on a bike tour sometime in the 1970s:

I've heard that about Scrubs as well! Supposed to be the most accurate of the medical shows, which is funny since it's a comedy.

Yup, that's Kanye's baby.

No, my point was that it would be LESS appropriate if it was a math teacher or a music teacher. As a history teacher he's at least referencing a historic moment, so it is somewhat related to what he teaches. It's still a sort of weird picture and I'm not completely convinced that was what he was going for, but

He's a history teacher though, and this is a part of our modern, ongoing history.

Yes!! When my little brother was in 1st grade, a mother of one of his classmates came in and beat his teacher (formerly my teacher, and a wonderful lady) with a chair in front of the entire class after threatening her. These things HAVE to be taken seriously. She never taught again, as far as I know.

I love mine too! But it is SO LONG and so tedious to spell for people (especially on the phone... I'm cringing just thinking about it...) that I'm looking forward to changing it when I finally get married. Even though I will miss it, because it secretly makes me feel special :)

So, that was one of the most common last names at my high school (there were maybe 10 Nguyens in my graduating class), and I was always told "New-yen" or something close to that, have I been totally wrong all these years??

I live in constant dread of having to spell or pronounce my last name. I just tell people to use the initials.

Takeaway: DO NOT use a webcam as a baby monitor. Ratting is a fairly simple hack and juvenile assholes love to take advantage of the fact that many people don't realize how vulnerable their cameras are. See also: always put electrical tape over your laptop camera.

His humor, facial expressions, whole demeanor... all totally perfect for The Daily Show. I'm very very excited.

Even if you don't want to teach names, teaching facts like, for instance, that women fought for China and Australia is important. Teaching that they were involved as nurses, spies, and on the home front building equipment etc., these are all facts about women in WWII that can be covered without names, just concepts. I

Would you not identify Donald Trump's career as "real estate mogul?" Honestly, I think that most people would call this Sterling's career. It's cool if you disagree with that wording, but to jump then to the conclusion that the writer doesn't know sports? And not just that but the juvenile "girls don't know sports!"