
Doesn't really make you look super innocent...

I have to agree, but I do think that the power dynamic between men and women, plus the text of this women eating tumblr, puts the two in entirely different categories.

So, my dad is an urban planner/engineer for the water authority in Massachusetts, and also thinks weddings are a waste of money, but we have a big family that loves weddings. THIS IS HIS DREAM FOR ME.

I agree with you that these photos are clearly better than say, an upskirt shot, but with the descriptions attached, they're ridiculously insulting and sexist. And I'd prefer not to have my photo taken at all without my consent.

That tumblr doesn't have gross descriptions of the men in the photographs where they're compared to animals and treated like attractions in a zoo. But in all honestly, that was the first thing I thought of when I read the headline, until I actually read the terrible gross captions. They are not the same.

You know, I had that tumblr (men taking up too much room on the train) when I read the headline, but as soon as I got into that nasty description, I changed my mind. Not the same at all. So gross. So barf. Not tongue in cheek at all.

So, my uterus just exploded.

Like, never has a comment made me so mad. I have gone though so many months of distress and pain and crying over this dysplasia, and you have the fucking nerve to call me SMUG?

I have not once in my comments told anyone else what to do with their vaginas. Like I pointed out, we all have a choice. There are recommendations, but if you don't want to get a pap till your 35, or ever, you don't have to! YOU are the one telling other women that they're sheep if they're getting a pap! Sorry, I'm

I'm just really not sure what you're arguing against. People getting pap smears? Are you seriously equating pap smears with rape? That is so fucking ridiculous and you know it. Preventative health care is A GOOD THING. Yes: women should (and do!) have a choice about whether they want to take advantage of that care,

Stahhhp. I didn't go in for my pap on time, because I thought I was invincible, and it turned out I had pretty severe cervical dysplasia due to HPV. This won't happen to everyone, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never discourage women from getting their paps! That is SO irresponsible!

Hi, have you heard of comedy? Also, she's not white.

I waited for a couple of years past when I should have had my first, and it turned out I had pretty severe cervical dysplasia due to HPV. I really regret not going sooner. Seriously: find yourself a doctor you like and are comfortable with, and please, please get one soon! Chances are everything will be fine, but you

I live in the Floribama part of FL, and until I moved here I had NEVER experienced this from other white people!! I was shocked the first time it happened, but now that it's happened more than once, I just can't wait to move the hell away from here. Like, do you really just assume I'm also a shitty racist asshole and

I like this article just for the excellent rundown of period related lyrics and imagery!

My old roommate was from PA and used to talk about Shady Maple in the most reverent way. I have always wanted to go.

I commented above that I have a friend named Queen- she's white though!

I have a good friend named Queen. She went by her middle name as a kid (it would be so great if she were on here and could identify herself by this comment), but now totally embraces her unique name. I think its' pretty great too.

Oh my godddd I wonder if we know each other!!!