
This is going to sound SUPER STALKY but I think I've seen you mention it elsewhere- are you from JP?? I am, and yours is a pretty accurate description of my childhood. I had enough friends with two moms that I actually had to learn that it was out of the ordinary to have gay parents, not the other way around.

SAME! I'm trying to do the math, but I think for 4 proms my total was probably just over $500? Which includes splurging on my senior prom with a $120 dress, hair and nails (like $30 total) and a limo with friends. This was only in 2006-2008.

If those small companies/any companies don't care enough to close the wage gap, then that's exactly what they deserve. We don't need more companies who don't care about people.

100% agree with your comments (as a fellow Christian with big a problem with hypocrites), but I really came here to say that I love your handle.

Then you are part of a huge problem and are also fucking disgusting.

Yeah... actually surprised about the lack of a TW before those lyrics. I knew they'd be gross but holy moly.

noooooo you can't be serious

THIS is definitely this problem a lot of commenters aren't seeing. Yes, the baggage handler wasn't a native English speaker, and I'm sure once it was explained why this was offensive, he stopped saying it. But, the point is, that this is how he learned it. And this is how many people (including myself) learned it, and

Oh my goddd this is the best collection thank you for sharing. I have an internship offer from the Harvard Museum of Natural History for this summer which I'm probably not taking, but this is tipping the scales in their favor...

You should read up on the history of American Apparel for some context.

This is like comparing a placebo pill to an actual medicine-containing pill. The energy healing is a placebo effect for making you feel good. The energy healer has no actual ability to make you feel good, so anything you feel is placebo, just like the placebo pills. And just like you'd be getting ripped off if you

I don't disagree! I was just repeating what I think Vanessa was saying- I thought (and clearly I was wrong, so my apologies) that you were thinking she meant white by light skinned. I agree with you, but I think Vanessa Williams disagrees with us.

I'm not sure that's what Vanessa meant tho. Obviously white actresses get more jobs in Hollywood, but I think her argument was that it is difficult for anyone of color to get work, no matter if you are dark or light- you have to work very hard and be very talented.

I feel so ridiculous watching 13 year olds do their hair and make up... but I don't know how! So I do it anyway and hang my head in shame.

Yeah... doesn't this sort of change the entire premise of the book?

So... she can snark in her header for getting linked which gets her page viewed and followed but, people can't snark right back at her for being an asshole? OK.

lolololololololololololololol Please get off Tumblr go take Internet 101 ok? BTW, was gonna follow your pretty awesome blog till I saw the hilarious anti-Gawker/Jez header. Are you 12, for real?

Clearly the best part of this story is MONSTER JAM

Watched it last night, loved it. Cried happy tears. I thought it was a little slower than I would have liked at first, but it seriously picked up in the second half. A sequel is so so so needed.
