One is the Redskins coach, and one is the red-skinned coach.
One is the Redskins coach, and one is the red-skinned coach.
Hey if we had children pillow fighting 10-12 hours per week, taking say 100 blows to the head per week, culminating in 50k pillow blows to the head by the time they get to collegiate pillow fighting, we’d be researching whether or not that does permanent brain damage and needs to be banned as well.
2nd game back, he also played Saturday against the Pistons.
I think it’s officially time to put the Skins out of their misery, like a Colt with a broken leg.
Part-time Nick Nolte impersonator Don Knobler
Pooping on an escalator, truly a gift that keeps on giving
South-African Hank Scorpio...yeah that checks out
something something gun to a knife fight
So I guess RDR2 will be the new permanent header for the next 6 months replacing the Witcher 3?
I could see where this was going instantly, and read to the end anyway, I can only blame myself
This is the right result for now, but why would they not just run him again in January when they have 53 seats in the Senate?
Harden should be permanently banned from complaining about soft fouls
Paul Ryan, Liar
Hey now, some of they would leap at the chance to make an extra dismissive wanking motion.
Authors have the ability to pick what appears there. I think this is Luke trying to send a not so subtle reminder to himself.
Looks interesting, I’ll check it out, Thanks!
Ok, this is making me want a real official Pokemon horror game.
Failing upwards is the new American Dream!