
How many times did a man stab a giant duck?

We need a space force to protect our critical space infrastructure from bad actors who would do it harm, like me - Mike “Mother Lovin” Pence

I chuckled there, and also at the same before Quelaag

But, by no means at all is he trying to get across that he’s racist” - What kind of statement is this? He wasn’t trying to prove he was racist, that was just a happy accident?

I would have been disappointed if the first comment wasn’t a coneheads comment. I am not disappointed. 

Obviously a tree murdered their sensei, and they spent years training for revenge

He’d need at least $200K worth of security to walk to the white house, he figure’d this was cheaper

Oh yeah, every N64 I ever played on had 3 perfectly fine controllers, and then the one you gave your loser cousin your parents made you let into your sessions

Breaking News: Scientists discover ants societies form based on what color they are painted

actually OOoOoOO’s post was mansplaining mansplaining

Now playing

Today feels like a good day to bring this classic back out

Yeah, more of these fit neatly into the new rule’s guidelines than I was expecting from seeing them all at once

At least no giants broke their faces on each others faces this time

Why oh why can’t they just understand how spending all the public education money on sending white kids to charter Christian schools is the best thing for them? I mean, once I’m raptured I’ll be sure be sure to put in a good word for them. And I’m getting rich off of it to, so God’ll for sure listen to me.

The porn goes in the folder labeled “Not Porn”

Ned? Ned is that you?

This is what happens when you sign Liu Kang as your long snapper.

I don’t know man, I think maybe he should get off his lehigh horse