
An uneducated society and a society that no longer cares about raising children with two parents and where religion is frowned upon.

Ah, so you know Mrs. Birdsex, do you?

On the other hand, you’re bloggers who “Spend the Day Ripping Lines From Reddit,” so let’s call it even.

This site has done a great job profiling the problem in society with victim-shaming etc and that certain institutions and psychological dynamics make it difficult for victims (read: women) to come forward in situations of sexual and assault and rape. That said, the coverage of this case on Deadspin has made it seem

“Back when I was 11 and living in St. Louis, my parents decided I was too smart to be wasting my time in public schools and started seeking out private schools. The choice was eventually narrowed to two: John Burroughs and Country Day. I took the admittance test for each, but a kid I really hated from the public

Calling someone a slimy bigot sure is easier than addressing different ideas, isn’t it?

That ain’t my culture and heritage.

If it’s a Harambe joke, then every single one of you should be forced to to become Peter Thiel’s bloodbags.