Dan's frequently poor choices of letters to read on the regular shows probably undercut that a bit. He tends to reward people writing in stuff that no one else could possibly care about.
Dan's frequently poor choices of letters to read on the regular shows probably undercut that a bit. He tends to reward people writing in stuff that no one else could possibly care about.
How in the world is there no mention of the TAZ finale or the Charlottesville Chapo Trap House episode? That Turner Masters Hospital show sounds cool at least.
Man, I don't know how The Flophouse has such annoying fans.
Nah, you aren't a Nazi, just a sympathizer.
We call that "liberal indoctrination" where I come from (a huge toilet)
Considering he called Antifa "OUR alt-left" he's probably just one of the unfortunate number of liberals who are mortified by any response to racists more harsh than inviting them to have a beer and discuss their opinions.
This always happens, some clown pops in with some shitty right-wing opinion and makes 0 effort posts and gets people trying to argue seriously with them and wasting their time.
"We had time to stop this. Ready Player One, the debut novel of Ernest Cline, was published six years ago. But, rather than take a stand against the apotheosis of self-satisfied male nerdism, the mainstream media made itself complicit in an atrocity. AV Club gave it an A"
I thought this was going to be a cover of that goofy Testament song about 9/11. Very disappointing.
So it's a good TAZ episode then
Meet the new wife, same as the old wife
The Boston ones sold out in ~15 minutes or so it seemed like, I'm amazed by anyone that could get tickets.
Jokes on you buddy, in the post-credits scene it's revealed that Meh grew up to become the Hitler emoji
They better, otherwise what's the point?
I've been really hoping for a sequel to Pixels, but I guess this is probably the closest we're ever going to get.
A real Maine lobsterman would be buying Allen's Coffee Brandy.
Anything to get people off Griffin's back about playing D&D the wrong way or whatever the hell. I'm dying for them to do Griffin's suggestion for a Persona/Buffy-esque story set in a West Virginian ski resort town overrun by monsters.
I liked it a lot! It works great for what he's doing with this new arc. I feel like if it's well received he'll probably more seriously consider switching to Dungeon World for the next story based on what he said in TTAZZ 2.
The Manifestos episode is also really good if you want to see hear them talk about men's rights bullshit. Their impressions of "human diaper" Elliot Rodger are one of the funniest things on the show.
Henry is the most open to that stuff and almost certainly believes at least a bit in ghosts, magic, UFOs, and conspiracy theories but he's got a sense of humor about all of it. I've always gotten the impression Marcus just thinks it's fun to talk about and Ben thinks it's almost all bullshit.