The fact that Robert E. Lee is still held in high regards by the US military is a testimony to the enduring nature of murderous white supremacy in US history.
The fact that Robert E. Lee is still held in high regards by the US military is a testimony to the enduring nature of murderous white supremacy in US history.
Kudos for historical reference accuracy. Either way I’m still surprised that the US Marine Coprs allowed US Marines to rock the symbols of traitors they fought a war against. It speaks to how insidious and pervasive the romanticism of the antebellum south and white supremacy is.
that position probably isn’t necessary as this looks like something Trump himself would tweet out for “inclusion week.”
It’s like something a late-night show would come up with to mock slightly more subtly racist promotional material.
Or “Future social media intern for the Trump administration”
They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”
You are a security guard at a hospital. You encounter someone in hospital wear who says he’s a patient. How hard is it to verify that?
I hate when people say grace while holding hands. It’s so presumptuous and there’s really no way to not participate without drawing attention. If you invited me over to eat, don’t make me pray with you or feel guilty for not wanting to. Also, germ transmission.
I have found that people get extra super defensive around the big religious holidays if you don’t share their faith. It’s not enough to be polite. They always need to try to force you to join them. I’m sitting here quietly, not making faces, not being rude. Why do you need to make me say a prayer for everyone? Do you…
not even close.
No. Chapelle is, quite literally, one of the most brilliant, funny people EVER. Hart is a tiny little footnote by comparison.
I am going to assume that was the end of the courtship?
Ironically, that extra millennial woman said the funniest shit I’ve ever (tangentially) heard.
She sounds horrid. You shoulda ended that fling with a, “So what you bout to do?”
I like Hart’s movies just fine, but his stand-up is nowhere near as good as Dave’s(or Chris Rock’s and D.L. Hughley’s for that matter).
I hope you immediately left her.
Someone must have abused that poor young woman.
Any person who doesn’t recognize Chappelle as one of the funniest human beings literally ever is quite beyond help. Understanding his subversive, brilliant humor requires a keen intelligence, and a keen intelligence requires a curious mind and significant effort.