Miles Long

Honestly, I think they know, they’re just not at the stage they’re willing to confront that.

It seems like so many men think that if they don’t have a burning, all-consuming hatred for women in the forefront of their conscious brains, that this automatically means that they respect women. Like, if they don’t actually think the words “what a fucking cunt” they are okay.

My business is successful because of my personal accomplishments.
My business failed because of your politics.

Or... maybe learn that women are humans? And not fuck-objects to go to places to scope out? IDK, just a suggestion.

I can’t speak for all women, but also: I’m not that mysterious. When I met my current SO I signaled my interest pretty clearly and strongly; he felt pretty confident that I was appreciating his attention and it was OK to proceed due to me openly saying things like, “I like you”, “This is fun”, and “Let’s do this

It’s changed from “having a library” in your home to having the “grossest bathroom stall from a sketchy gas station along I-95" in your home.

kevin hart’s wife should put all his favorite stuff on the top shelf

Mama warned us, didn’t she?

Super glad I’m not the only one whose mind went to the wrong diaphragm.

“First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is

Taylor Swift is the musical equivalent of Fireball Whiskey...popular..artificially sweet..terrible.

It’s Doctor Who Misogynist Bingo!

Maher didn’t radically misjudge the mood. He doesn’t give one damn about “the mood.” He’s simply racist. And sexist. And a narcissist. If people laugh, he’s affirmed. If they don’t, they just don’t get it or are too shackled by “political correctness” to be “with it”. But he’s never been with it. He’s an old troll in

April Fools Day is just a sanctioned day for assholes to lie and embrace their asshole nature.

Now playing

Can AM Joy run for President? Or at the very least get a daily show? I can think of at least 5 people off the top of my head that MSNBC could bump to get her a better slot.

Gary Steiner is cisgendered.

I can say from a rather short experience that solitary confinement is torture in every way but name.

I was picked up on an outstanding warrant, having just left a rehab facility for a variety of issues (drug and alcohol abuse, major depressive disorder, etc.), and was taken to my local jail. I was in an already

Simmer down BrunerBrunerToo. No one is talking about “rejecting” anyone. It’s great that fear has forced you all to finally give a damn about people darker shades than you (although I’m willing to bet dollars to doughnuts you people don’t actually care, but lets not confuse the argument). Welcome. Only thing is, you