Miles Long

Never mind. This happened:

When asked who Iggy Azalea is I replied: “Imagine the “Cash me outside” girl trying to be a rapper.

David Duke said he wanted “to take our country back for the American people...”

I’ve read the book and, like a lot of people, saw it as a warning. Unfortunately, in these times, I’m afraid some will see it as a how-to manual. This wouldn’t terrify me so much except America has already taken the first step towards this nightmare when they elected Trump.

Speaking of not getting the book, I work for a company in north Los Angeles county that makes the occasional thing for the showbiz types. Last week, I designed packaging for a gift basket that contained a promotional DVD of the new Handmaid’s Tale and a glossy photo book. The swag was located at the bottom of a basket

Jesse Williams was right; we ARE magic.

I never said ‘never’ I said ‘highly unlikely.’ These events are not enough of a precedent to punish the majority of non-predatory transgendered people with an extremely discriminatory law.

“men and boys will pretend to be transgender to infiltrate bathrooms and locker rooms used by women and girls.”

These people voted for sinking the ship but thought they were getting first dibs on the lifeboats. Suckers.

My nominee for Best Show You Never Heard Of: Goliath

And I would be arguing that the intestines are supposed to be irritable at the beginning so why the perky?

Yes, please send a link.

“Well bless her heart! That is so sweet!”

“Don’t you back talk me boy! I brought your ass into this world and so help me God, I will take you out!”

When in doubt, I like to apply the Golden ratio, which gives 10.716709364058 inches and 6.623290635942 inches. Pretty close to your second guess.

It’s the nicest thing you can say about her.

Besides, aren’t ninjas Japanese? Well...I guess with the proper training, anyone an be a ninja, like a turtle from the New York sewers.

That glass is “smoking gun” evidence. A test of the wine combined with the video and eyewitnesses removes almost all reasonable doubt. He’s going down.