
He and Redusa should have hooked up.

Maybe he's from Cairo, Illinois.

I know

Inertial dampeners. Once you're impaled on one, your inertia tends to go to zero pretty quickly.

Save me a seat on the last Pericopter off the embassy roof.

Does this mean in 200 years we'll end up with sandal, cheeseburger backpack, and Ranger Guy factions?

The furniture reminded me of Charlie and her awful, awful friends in High Fidelity.

Hmm…yes…that, and surgery.

There probably are one or two Ducks in the Diamond State, but no.

I'm guessing she'd bubble Gems from both sides…which reminds me, was it ever clear which side Lapis was on back in the day?

With a falcon familiar.

(raspy meow-laugh)

Driving the Ducks in the Dells.

"Carbonado…cleanse this flyspeck of a planet."

Lion just showed up one day and yarfed it up.

Possibly; it might something like one of Peridot's robonoids, or another damaged Gem like Lapis. The spiky-haired figure here is what I first think of though.

At the end of "Keep Beach City Weird", Ronaldo was ranting about "polymorphic sentient rocks" and "the Great Diamond Authority". If a Gem named Diamond shows up, she'll probably be Peridot's boss and it will not be A Good Thing.

I suspect we're independent in the same way Belarus and Ukraine got independent UN seats from the Soviet Union during the Cold War, but let's ride with it!

My first thought at reading that was thinking they were talking about Pitt's acting…but no, probably not.

You're right; need to keep it submersible so the Nickelodeon execs don't freak out (more than they may already have).