Very important document in the history of the Bat's lighter side:
Very important document in the history of the Bat's lighter side:
There is something delightful about the first 2 minutes of William.
And Chris Owens is awesome as he ever is.
Not much to say other than that.
Guess i'm in the few who enjoy the new opening (it could be a little tweaked though).
Somehow i kinda see this ep in Darin Morgan's hands (i mean, someone escaping to other reality because this one doesn´t work for him, in a more melancholic hand, this ep could be heart-breaking)
Although i see some problems with Reyes, i actually quite like her in this episode, she is very reminiscent of Melissa Scully, and amidst all this gloom and sadness, is nice to see someone with a positive attitude.
And if the morley thing is a hint to some backstory, i does seem more interisting thant Dogget's lost son
For all that En Ami doesn´t work, i would like to see Davis writing another episode, except this time without any obligation to the mythology (ie. he could make up anything he wanted). I think that most of the problems of this ep come from being a mythology one.
i feel that FPS isn't the worse episode of the show (i'm in season 7 now), because it's hilarious on the "it's so bad, it's good" sense. It's so dumb, silly, over the top and everyone deliver it in a earnest way. The last 10 minutes killed me.
So it was kinda enjoyable, if terrible, episode.
I don´t think Schizogeny is THAT bad, actually, i was kinda interested in the first 30 minutes (even if didn´t made much sense already), it is the kind of episode that with some rewriting could be at least entertaining, especially if focused more on the people (despite the bad/goofy acting).
Overall i would call it…