Linked in my review. (Also here:…
Linked in my review. (Also here:…
Right? It's hard to write about each of them out of context.
No spoilers from me (but yes, yes it is.)
It's a weird middle ground. Lots of other sites are treating the series as a film, because it's being released as such in NY and LA (for Oscar eligibility, I assume), but it's a 'Netflix Original Series,' too. Kind of like OJ: MADE IN AMERICA had a run on TV but was also screened in full. Weird middle ground.
Thanks! Corrected.
Dude, I'm pretty sure that was included because there's no way RPDR isn't making a joke about Johnson City in the first 10 minutes of this season, so it might seem made up to anyone who, like me, thanks her lucky stars when she comes across a good dick joke.
Cheers to both.
Was never my bag. And not as subdued, for my money. But that's just me.
My second favorite moment of the episode, after Paula's phone call.
Also, I wrote it, so that's firsthand info.
CExG posted after airing. Some sort of site error kept it off the main page. There was a screener, so it was scheduled in advance.
This entire thread = why I'm so impressed by this show. Nothing else on TV prompts these conversations. I love you all.
Seconded. Helps that there were more songs in S1.
Quibbles with other episodes, I'm with you… but ONLY an A-? A grades are without flaw. This is damn near it, but not without flaw.
YES. Sorry. Covered both. He was on The Grinder, not Grandfathered.
Doesn't have anything to do with how she spoke. Self-awareness isn't about speech, it's about knowing when you're being a hot mess.
Yep. And says so, in interviews, and says that was her goal.