
The evidence to back up his claim is the bible , ever read it ? Last time I checked the Catholic Church still teaches it.

Just because they’re not beheading anyone, doesn’t mean they can’t be discriminatory and it certainly doesn’t mean they don’t deny human rights. Again, these actions exist independently of each other. Are you kidding me?

this bad thing isn’t as bad as another bad thing so it isn’t bad

Now that I think of it, Pope Benedict definitely is someone who’s never been in my kitchen...

You are spouting hate speech. The gay community and anyone else who dosen’t share ideals with the Catholic Church retains the essential human right to freely associate with those with whom they do share beliefs. Yes...your point about clubs is's called freedom of association FYI.....If you lived in

Hmmm....anology to how the Islamists are pouring money into building a caliphate? Try again.

The “rules” ARE THE EVIDENCE. The fact that they wrote down and enforce their discriminate behaviour is, by definition, evidence. And yes, the Jews and Muslims have their own doctrines of discrimination and misogyny in their self-described “Holy” texts. I will (and have) called out their followers for the same


I level that charge all the time at any institution that historically has men in leadership and has a record of excluding anyone who doesn’t fit that mold.

Hm. I suppose one could argue not being able to rise too high in an organization that promotes blind faith as a good thing.

How about the fact that women can’t rise any higher than “nun” in his organization? Women cannot be ordained or administer the sacrament. So that’s over 50% of the world who can’t play pretend at the highest levels of the Catholic hierarchy. Should I go on?

You gotta be kidding me.


I thought he’d use a tablet.

Mr. Sweeney, so smart
Oh, I beg-a you pardon
Call me a lie, was a only a cardinal
Nope, it was-a da Pope

He also is the head of an organization that actively suppresses the equal rights of a lot of people.

There are some people I enjoy following on Twitter and I’ve had meaningful communications with one or two people (for example, William Gibson cleared up something I’d been wondering about in one of his stories for decades). But by and large it’s total garbage that makes me believe even more in the Philosopher’s Zombie

If you only knew what they know about you...

They know who you are.

Honestly, I would expect the Pope’s Twitter feed to be worst than most places simply because he believes so strongly in religion. That’s the kind of thing that brings trolls out in massive droves.