
Yeah…Someone like Danny is going not going to be attracted to a clever witty impish brown chick..but is going to be interested in some brown stuck up bore. in her 20s :)

As everything else in American TV, Trash TV will win and quality TV will lose. Whats the big surprise eh?

This shwo is popular among the upper class population and among the fairly wealthy (Anual Income > 150K). This is the group Mindy grew up with and seem comfortable with "white people".

LOL Ouch! :)

Oh yeah..the couch scene was so comforting.. they both seemed so familiar and comfortable with one another…yeah good point..but it was a very brief moment so I forgot.. until you reminded me

This was the best episode so far! I cracked up so much when she slapped Danny for the second time. She knew he can't do anything about it. Oh Lordi!

OMG…the second time was the best.. I choked on my dinner.