
Having raced road bikes for many have no idea. I have been 55mph+ on a bicycle thinking to myself, “I am going as fast as traffic on Rt 95 and I am wearing spandex. This is SOOO dangerous.”

That sort of thinking is Seminole to the Redskins brand.

Now playing

I remember when America used to be a great country. Nowadays everyone takes beating women so seriously. Knock one woman out on an elevator and you’re suspended 2 games. Break multiple bones in another woman’s face and you lose draft position. Punch and kick a woman and you might get suspended.

You people that do shit outside are out of your minds.

I’m not buying what you’re selling. And I’ll give you my unique Canadian perspective on why I’m not.

Yeah it’s amazing how good the music is.

Each of the individual joycon controllers are going for $49.99 with a matching set going for $79.99, so I guess the logic is that a pro controller is the equivalent of two regular ones.

Thank you but I think I’ll just be sticking with my state of the art stereo TV.


There’s just a stream of puns flowing from this situation.

No need for him to get pissy over this

Im not going to get into a pissing contest of who has the best headline.

Trump’s pissing away what little goodwill he ever had.

alternate headline:

I still own and play mine regularly. I already owned one at the time but once they announced the NES version of it, I had to have it.

He was only off by two feet.

Sounds like someone has never played Dig Dug!

Sorry 8-bit Guy, you are sadly ignorant of many things from our analog days of video, but I don’t hold that against you. No, I shall explain:

Why would you hate the customer who doesn't want to preorder? You should be hating the district manager and the corporate assholes that harass you about preorders and magazine subscriptions.

I had a similar experience on the wii u launch day. After the jerks at gamestop were rude I went to target next door and grabbed a wii u easily. On the way back to the car I walked past gamestop again and put the box against the window along with a middle finger. The look of anger on their faces was priceless. I