Lmao at the triggered replies to you.
Lmao at the triggered replies to you.
As a former Navy Officer who held a TS SPECAT clearance and frequently acted as the ship’s handler for SEAL operations in Kuwait and Iraq, I would expect that they would be transferred out of theater now.
But, but, but, remember when Obama saluted a Marine while holding a cup of coffee? Talk about disrespect!!!! That was a propaganda coup for our enemies that the country still hasn’t recovered from!!!
Cowardly fat-ass and chickenhawk in chief Trump abuses American servicemen as props to cover for his failed presidency.
How’s that aluminum hat feeling on your head there, buddy?
Shit, and I thought that bit with the yacht salesman was dark...
He did the right thing.
Nah, this is rigged!
Feels awkward handing that a star. Gonna go ahead and do it anyways.
I cackled at the Ohio State joke. I have a lot of close friends who are Michigan alumni (why, I don’t know. I’m from Atlanta) and they took that hard. For some reason they thought this year would be the year?
That depends on what his position is. Are you assuming he’s a 4? Or maybe a really beefy 3? Or is he a shooting guard in a power forward body?
I’m assuming they see the hypocrisy and they just don’t care.
It’s interesting how many conservative billionaires rail against paying taxes and against social programs that benefit those in need, but are all in favor of taking tax dollars to benefit themselves.
I have been brought up to deplore the type of value system adopted by the Mayor of Chicago. This is stating it mildly.
The check looked sketchy alright; it was in the hand of a Black man.
Don’t you see the word “if” there, asshole?
Thanks for publishing these emails. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant, and it also prevent Ricketts.
Mmmmm, the soft, smooth, angle-less faces of the progeny of the rich.