
Except, when women leave that is when the abuse is most likely to escalate. See....this case right here.  So, “get out” is more than a notion, especially if we as a society aren’t willing to provide the resources and protection needed to make sure that doesn’t end in tragedy as well.

Yelling at women to get out is the opposite of holding men accountable.

And a woman is fully formed at 15, never changes, and an irredeemable failure who deserves everything bad in life if she makes one mistake.

She did get out and she still got murdered...

Domestic violence only escalates. If they’re slapping you today, they’ll be punching you tomorrow and be killing you before the end of the week.

Plus its not like Ohio is alone in their fucks given deficiency when it comes to domestic violence, thats a problem anywhere men are in power as the author says and thats every damn where.

I avoid local news like the plague and havent talked to anyone all weekend so I hadnt heard about this but I remember when that useless jackass Frank Jackson hired Mason in the first place and people (i.e. black women) were incensed.  How in the fuck you can even hold any sort of government position with that on your

The Onion Knight quoting Pratchett may have just given me a geek infarction.

When Carol Moseley Braun was elected to the Senate in 1993 – and mind you, she was 46 at the time - a Congressional security guard tried to throw her off the “members only” elevator the moment she walked on. Not until she showed her ID did he back down.

Conservatives have this bizarre fascination with thinking that people can’t be poor because they have something that’s nice. People on welfare can’t really be poor if they have cell phones or refrigerators. That kind of shit. Like, maybe she bought it a long time ago? Maybe someone gave it to her? Maybe she just takes

This is like when Fox News was agog over the fact that poor people have microwaves and refrigerators.

I’m a black attorney and when I used to go to court regularly, everyone assumed I was one of the defendants. I would be in a suit and have my files with me but would still get told I would be called up to the bench when it was time for the judge to hear my plea.

That shoulder bag she’s carrying seems to be leather. You’d think someone who doesn’t have money would carry her things in a plastic Dollar General bag! And look, she’s wearing shoes! For someone who claims to have limited means, having shoes seems like a bit of a luxury.

Meh. Ohio has long been red and shitty. At least West Virginia has incredible natural beauty. Ohio has a million highways.

Yeah, this is a weak attempt at outrage. She gave a meaningless non-answer to a journalist she didn’t give a damn about.

American women are outperforming men in college, as doctors, etc. Women are now able to have their own income, bank accounts, property, etc. and the means to leave abusive men. Men can’t handle this, and believe that disallowing women to control their own bodies will force them back into the kitchen, dependent on men.

Yeah, I grew up in the Bay Area and it used to rain when I was a kid. A LOT. It was, believe it or not, kind of a rainy place for a good portion of the year. Those rainy seasons have all but disappeared, while the “fire season” has just expanded and expanded.

It’s amazing how much the weather has shifted in 20 years but people refuse to acknowledge it.

I just read the BuzzFeed reporting on this and they mentioned that Italy has a 20 year old cited statute that found that someone wearing jeans must have consensually removed them, cos jeans are hard to take off.

1) Of course wearing a lacy thong doesn’t mean you’re “open to meeting someone and being with someone